RACING THROUGH Read Count : 70

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
     In my racing brain are my kaotic thoughts, I keep racing through the events of yesterday, my mind aches for relief, my nerves are always on edge, my heart pounds hard, never getting a break, everything I say my brain keeps racing through, making me second guess myself, I can’t have a conversation without racing through the spoken words a thousand times wondering if I am wrong. What are you going to think of me, when we depart, when we say goodbye.

When I text you and you are busy with life, your life, I get worried and become scared that you don’t like me, that I have done something wrong to you, that you are angry with me. Then I keep texting until you answer then I have my relief, so many texts I have sent to you. OHHHH NOOOOoo, you are going to be angry with me, after we have texted, I feel some tension release  from my brain, until time has slipped by, then it starts again. I am sorry I seem so needy, it’s just the way my brain is working these days.  Its just racing through. 


  • Feb 03, 2021

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