Against, But Not Without Love. Read Count : 125

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Och, a am a Point of writing,
 A point of shame
Nothin great. 
Never have I wowed the world, 

Just one existing; in the constricts laid before me. 
Lazy as shit. 

Wanting hoping, for something to come along. To call me special.
That there was SOMEthing that made me stand out. Even for a moment. But goddamn, it didn’t come, it wasn’t there, not for a moment. No Wise woman came and proclaimed, THIS! This is the one to lead us to the future. This one’s work will be lauded for ages to come: they mainly know, but they will love. Resolutely. 

Im just a normal thing, goblin for sure, but no more magical than rocks and sticks and various lovely moss. 

I’m not sure where I’m going with this. I am. It’s all I can be. I throw tea parties for a living and bake scones, but I want you to fight the capitalist patriarchy every day. Run free my darlings. I love you! 


  • Feb 01, 2021

  • Feb 01, 2021

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