Read Count : 133
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
SITTING IN THE DARK I’m sitting here in the dark my thoughts lingering on the fact that I feel misunderstood,I see myself as a giving, generous person, selfless to a fault, yet I still feel I am not treated as I deserve I should…Do I think this is a intentional lack of respect, no not at all,I think for so long I’ve been seen as the nurturer, and care taker that it is hard for them to give me space to become me, and pursue what I’ve wanted to do my entire adult life, to make that call…Nothing wild or crazy, just a dream I’ve had since I was a teen all that time ago,To take my shot at writing and expressing myself,my empathetic heart and soul through poetry and story, see if it can shine or glow…I love my family with everything in me, they all have their own lives, their own agenda,It’s great for them all I however am feeling the loneliness of empty nest, even my hubby has his own endeavor of which he strives for hours daily to render…I am sincerely happy to see my family happy with what they are trying to do in life, I show support and respect as well as I can because that is important,I wish they could see to show me the same courtesy, at all times not just some times, when they feel it is warranted…Sitting in the dark it is weird the things we think of,Sometimes silly things, sometimes its painful things, and other times it’s simply love…When I started writing this I was a little sad and felt misunderstood, that’s true,I am a writer though, so writing is my peace, my therapy, and in authoring this simple piece it has changed my mood…Even if the circumstances haven’t changed I feel less stressed and more able to handle what is bothering me,All because my writer heart, my poet’s soul was given a few moments sitting in the dark to roam free..