Steamy Windows
Read Count : 50
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I listen to carols even after Christmas,I eat ice cream even whenBeyond the steamy windows winter erupts.I listen to a song hundreds of times,Until I get tired of it, and I throw itIn a drawer with all my memories,That I keep hidden inside - only for my thoughts.When it's summer I say it's too hot,When it's cold I say I miss the heat outside.I try to act simply even thoughI make a big mess in my mind.I try to keep my childish sideEven though others try to killMy innocence through their evil soul.I seek an oasis of peaceAs others seek water in the desert.When it's shade I go to the sun,When it's sun I look for shade.I try to understand people,But I think no one can understandThem better than themselves.Others try to understand me,But I think no one can understand me betterThan I can understand myself.