Savage Man Read Count : 130

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Savage Man

A people that lived off the land, 
Who chose together to unite and band. 
Facing sure defeat, they proudly chose to stand.
Against strangers who labeled them as savage man. 

So few became known as heroes. 
Even fewer lived beyond their final stand. 
A time and place where so few even tried to understand. 
The very will of these they called the savage man. 

He became known for his aged wisdom. 
He stood for his people. 
Against those who would see them dead. 
He defended them, giving them hope. 

Slaughtered, ripped from life, 
Murdered in hellish jail cell. 
Taking a nations hope for peace, 
As sitting bull fell… 

Now centuries past, 
We remember his final stand. 
And with question we ask, 
Who truly was a savage man? 

© 2016 Dell Anne Raye 
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