To Judge Read Count : 73

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Who are we to judge? 
We being sinners of a weary, dire world?
We fret, fray and pray through blind faith.
 When has our faith ever been enough?
 As for us to say, that in no other way
 Were these written verses meant? 
That through guided hand from heaven they've been sent.

Who are we to judge?
When we’ve spent years hiding from heaven’s love. 
Mindlessly taking what has not been given, 
Until this earth has nothing left,
Our countless sins remaining unforgiven?

Who are we to judge? 
We who are hiding behind our own sludge.
Of wearily tired tear filled broken dreams.
Erasing our self-inflicted pain, 
We who’ve become reminders of man’s broken dreams. 

© 2015 Dell Anne Raye 
All Rights Reserved


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