Something Not Quite The Same.
Read Count : 139
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Drama
There has been many a time or two where time stands still, everything around you all feels very familiar, nothing at all is quite different than before, although something is. Even if it is just for this milisecond, this exact moment, this little blip in time that everything seemingly stayed the same. All except that one mindset that for a moment or two swayed from the bare necessities of normality and allowed a thought of difference, a thought of change and a thought of something not quite the same. Too look into a mirror and see a women aged and worn from the life one chose to lead, being a wife for what feels like the entirety of a lifetime, raising three magnificent all be it slightly bonkers children, being a nurse through all the hours god could send to tend to those who need nurture and care. Giving yourself every last droplet of yourself too every aspect of your life except that one women looking in the mirror, because although one does not feel even the slightest bit different, when looking upon the reflection staring back it is evidently clear that something is not quite the same. A peak back into a fulfilled youth, a time of dancing and singing upon friends, laughing until the sun came up, sneaking to the beach and running through the sand until the sun went down. Quiet kisses down the street, hiding from the parents eagerly awaiting your return, asking your fathers permission to join your friends on a friday night at the local dance hall. All of which seems to be just a moment a go, a yesterday that seems just that... yesterday. Although in reality that yesterday is a distant memory a memory of joy and happiness but a memory none the less. For as times and years do pass, some things do stay the same but some things are not quite the same. Never the less, even when that moment does pass and I notice the wrinkles appearing upon my cheeks, I notice that once golden blonde hair is now slowly becoming a hint of silver and grey, slowly thinning as the years pass on by. I notice the change, as I have done many a time, I reminisce the times when my youth was reality. Upon ones reflection in the mirrror a thousand memories and thoughts flood through, although I could never change my reflection or the story that reflection portrays, I could never posses the ability to show this world the women I once was, only the women I have later become, I can’t change that nor would I like too, because as times pass or things stay the same it is only a factor of life that no matter how many things stay the same, and feel familiar to you some things will never quite be the same.