Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
This world is deceptive, Lord.
And maybe if You hadn't shown me
Another face of it, maybe I would never have
Understood the truth hidden behind it.People are evil, Lord.
People are as changeable as their feelings,
And maybe if I hadn't encountered
Disappointment many times,
I would have continued to believe them.The health of the body
Depends on the health of the soul.
The health of the soul
Depends on prayer, fasting
And the help you give to people in need.God, don't let me love this world
Any more than I love You.
God, don't let me love my body more
Than I can love my own soul.God, don't let me be envious
At those who seem happy.
God, don't let me take over
The behavior of those who want to hurt You.Lord, give me the peace I seek,
And set my heart pure,
When I say the prayer,
To reach the heaven and Your soul.