Happy New Year
Read Count : 179
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I can't believe that another year will go by,I can't believe how many dreams I had to let go.I could say that it was the hardest year,But I don't know what difficultiesThe new near will bring me this time.Three hundred and sixty-six daysHave passed quickly,It is a privilege to be alive and healthy.Now at the end, I feel luckyThat I managed to save some friendshipsAnd make other friends as well.I learned new things,I tried to improve myself,There were times when I felt I couldn't,But I managed to get up on time.I may not have found the love of my life,Nor the job I wanted,But the fact that I am still breathing,Is a new opportunity.I'm ready to take it from the beginningAnd erase the bad memories,Maybe I found some answersBut the questions have changedIn the meantime.I wish you all a better year,A year in which to find the things you have lost,The things you miss,The things that keep you in love - with yourself.I wish you time for happiness.Don't find time to regret anything.Keep smiles in your souls,keep your hope in your chest.