Birth Of New Movement (When We Rise) Read Count : 192

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Motivation
   As most of us look forward to the end of the year I look back and reflect on everything I gained, lost, and learned alot about myself in the Gemini year of 2020. Thanks to those closest to me, I was able to survive with mild thoughts of taking my own life. I realized though, this would not do anything to help other people who were suffering. I met a very special individual who encouraged me to join a group of people who were challenging some of the world's most heart-wrenching problems coming from Donald Trump's Administration. They have remained active for a while, filled with unique individuals from every corner of life.
   I wasn't seeking fame or glory whenever I answered this movement, but simply curious about whether the people inside it where legitimate or fakes who were just out for their own glory. I found both, many of those compassionate individuals who seek to find the very best in people have shown me a welcoming hand and raising me up to help change the world in ways we never expected. At the time, I had no idea for the twists and turns my own journey encompass. But seeing the genuine hearts of these people who want to bring about change for the benefit of everyone reinvigorated my hope for humanity.
   With that hope wielded like a blade we have accomplished so much in such a short time. It was these efforts of United people which made it so successful and nothing less than the desire to do something good and make it better. Thanks to the diversity, we brought about one of the most disastrous times in our history and with love and hope we can stop more.
   I know how most of you are extremely tired after this long fight. You feel like you're laying your head down in bed and sleeping for weeks, after trying to bring about some of the greatest change we've ever thought was possible. We all deserve this for our own accomplishments, as well as those we have accomplished together as one unit. We have risen above ourselves and put the other people before us in a way I didn't ever think would be possible. With this power at our fingertips, we can do so much more good if we just take our time step-by-step and to make sure that there are no falling out.
   In my lifetime, I have made plenty of my own mistakes even though people may not think I show it. My wisdom not only comes from myself but others who have guided me through the most turbulent times possible. We have risen above ourselves to make one major difference, and with it we have brought some degree of success with our adventures together. I don't want these adventures to end, but all adventures end in time. This doesn't mean we can't start a brand new adventure, to accomplish something much greater then we have before. I believe when Christmas comes by, it will be a time of generosity like never before. People will sing and remember good with the generosity given to them, they will be able to free themselves from their own sufferings and realize just because things and doesn't mean those memories are lost.
   No matter which direction we decide to head, I decided that I will continue writing to encourage others to take up the mantle of love and respect for our friends and neighbors. In time, maybe I can accomplish even more with this mantle, which was built for me by those who lifted me up during my most heart-wrenching time. I hope to change the world in a way, I can always be remembered without my name being said. A mark does not need a persons name to remember the love which created it. Our time is limited in this world in such a degree, we shouldn't use that time for bringing ourselves down. We can help others with that time, provided we find the people that really needs the help. I found play strength in myself because of the Resistance, and I help the Resistance understands that it has left a mark on me. A reminder and lesson which we should always carry, love for our neighbors and having the heart to lift them up.


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