The Classical Teachings Of Bhagwad Gita Read Count : 98

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Lifestyle
Bhagwad gita is not a religious book to one religion or community. It is a manner, an understanding to all. Bhagwad gita is a way of living as it shows us the path on which we, the people can walk and find the supreme I.e God.

Today, Teachings of gita is also necessary to preserve humanity in mankind as human is nothing without humanity. Humanity is a feeling which keep us connected to do, to do something better. The ideas enquired in gita is not easy to follow but, if someone follows it then, he become immortal and near to god.

Bhagwad gita is not only vast but, has a broader prospective but, for this to know it must be read and understood.

As the culture evolved, the time came when people felt that to live Hinduism was to live in retreat, away from the rush, the noise of the marketplace, struggles of the rustic fields and instead, move into the silence and quietude of the Himalayas.

Arjuna himself felt the need to renounce the world and he refused to fulfil his duties towards the community in order to retire into the silent harbours of contemplation and meditation. Gita show us the path and also tell us to fulfill our duties refusing or not fulfilling the duties is not the teaching of gita.

The gita is like a practical handbook of instructions on how best we can reorganise our ways of thinking, feeling and acting in our everyday life and draw from ourselves a larger gush of productivity to enrich the life outside and around us and to emblazon the subjective life within us.

As gita is also considered a readymade textbook which serve all, irrespective of the place and time, caste and creed as this is the special charm of gita.



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