My New Power. Chapter 3 Read Count : 323

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
The man looked really scary looking. Black trench coat with a gray fidora hat so big I couldnt see his face clearly. He let out a deep and dark sounding voice when he talked. Who ever this guy was he was really intimidating. I was so scared I didnt know if I had the guts to speak but I asked him with the most confident voice I could use. But when I talked I sounded so frail and scared saying somthing so stupid. What. He gave me a cold look but I couldnt really see his facial expressions with that hat on. How do you know my name I said. Jack, stop acting stupid you know why im here, I'v found you. You have been trying to run all this time, moving over and over. What, I dont know what your talking about. Who are you. I, am hunter, I have been assigned to capture you. But why I dont understand whats going on. Enough no more games, your coming with me whether you like it or not. Hunter grabbed his trench coat and fidora off and intimidated me even more than with his trench coat. He was a strong looking man with Camo leggings, a tank top, beady gray eyes, and a nasty scar on his right eye. He looked at me and muttered some words that I never heard before. After a couple of seconds a mark appeared on both of his wrists. These marks didnt look like anything iv ever seen before. I looked like a paw of an animal with claws and a mark on top. I was curious of what that symbol meant but none the less I was terrified. Before I could react out of nowhere I see David running towards me and Hunter. When he arrived he pushed me back saying I got this. I asked him so suprised like he was either the bravest person I'v ever seen or the stupidest, how are going to handle this. Look at him. He told me he would explain everything later. He turned around facing Hunter. David to muttered some words but not like Hunter. After that a symbol appeared on both David's wrist to. It was an odd one hard to explain but it was like a backwards crecent moon with an odd mark I knew what was going to happen was not going to be pretty.

Chapter 4 coming soon
I hope you guys enjoyed and pls send me some support if you havent already it would really encourage me to make more chapters. So thanks for reading and see you later


  • Asia Johnson

    Asia Johnson

    Awesome story, so far. Keep it up.👍

    Mar 30, 2017

  • Christian Diaz

    Christian Diaz


    Mar 30, 2017

  • Christian Diaz

    Christian Diaz


    Mar 30, 2017

  • Christian Diaz

    Christian Diaz


    Mar 30, 2017

  • Katy Johnson

    Katy Johnson

    great story

    Mar 31, 2017

  • Diangelo Fairchild

    Diangelo Fairchild


    Apr 14, 2017

  • John L.

    John L.

    Keeps getting better!

    May 05, 2017

  • Fresh Meat And Beef Stick Productions

    Fresh Meat And Beef Stick Productions


    Sep 06, 2017

  • Mar 30, 2017

  • Apr 03, 2017

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