A Good Day Read Count : 153

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Today was a good day
And I I'm truly doing well
I'm not doing any time
Neither am I in a cell
Didn't really have a care
Nor did I even stress
Today was a good day
Today was not a mess

If you truly know me
You'd know my life is nuts
It has a lot of downs
But today it had its ups

I finally got to have a day
Where nothing went wrong 
I was so very happy
My heart sang a sweet song
Today I knelt and prayed
To thank God for my breath
Instead of begging for his aide
Or begging Him for rest

For the person reading this, 
I pray for your life's path
May you remember good days
And leave the pain in the past


  • Oct 28, 2020

  • Oct 28, 2020

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