Creepy Tale Poetries Read Count : 168

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A


Dark is the night,

Darker the soul,

Fathomless depths,

Stories untold...

In dim moonlight,

Walks thirsty soul,

Undeniable truths, 

Mysteries unfold...


Zombie Wife... 

Last night in town,

I saw Lisa in gown,

In zombie style,

With horrible smile,

She was chasing me,

To bite me you see...

I ran to save my life,

From a zombie wife,

She cried "don't you run my dear,

Let me take a love bite come near"

But I ran away, 

It was dangerous to stay...

As now my zombie wife, 

Is a big threat for our lives, 

So if anyone of you who meet Lisa, 

Run or she will take your bite like pizza...


Once there was a time... 

Once there was a time,

When you were only mine.

But nowadays as I sit behind,

Your thoughts comes in my mind.

There was a time of kisses and hugs,

And we shared coffee in single mug.

There was a time when you gifted me a dove,

As a reminder of your sweet innocent love.

But soon your love turned into hate,

And you use to arrive home too late. 

When I heard it was another woman you date, 

I was broken from heart and it broked my fate. 

Oh! darling I was your only lovely wife, 

But you made me pick that sharp knife. 

Soon there was lot of blood on your gown, 

With all my pleasure I slaughtered you down. 

And I was crying "Now you feel my pain, 

Never cheat any woman in your life again". 

But soon I realized I made a mistake, 

So I cut my throat as a piece of cake. 

Still time is unable to clear my only doubt, 

That why just my soul walks alone in this house. 


Once there was a time, 

When you were only mine.


Unknown Mister... 

We saw someone yesterday and he was creepy,

He called us by our name when we were sleepy.

Me and my younger sister,

Followed unknown Mister.

He was walking in corridor, 

Without touching the floor. 

Our guest was glowing in dark night, 

There was no need of electric light. 

Was he playing some kind of game, 

He called us once again by our name. 

My sister raised holy cross of Christ, 

And cried "Evil spirit get out of my sight."

Soon he vanished away and we were saved, 

In the name of Christ like a good child he behaved.


Scary Mary... 

Come to me &

Play with me.

Be my buddy & 

Stay with me. 

And what do you see, 

When you look at me, 

My name is Mary, 

And I am too scary. 

I mostly call you from your behind, 

When you turn around you won't find, 

But when I call you twice, 

With melody in my voice, 

And if you simply turn around, 

Next time you are on the ground. 

So they named me "Scary Mary", 

And I am not like ordinary fairy.


Stranger Behind... 

Clock said it was nine,

When Mary had wine,

But she said "I am fine, 

Just finished my dine", 

She crossed her line, 

Drank plenty of wine. 

Then she left for her home, 

Walking on the road alone, 

Mary noticed in her mind, 

One stranger was behind, 

She even started walking fast, 

To make a difference too vast, 

But when she looked behind, 

She couldn't believe her mind, 

Stranger was looking in her eyes, 

Mary fainted there and she dies. 

But who was that stranger behind, 

Except her no one else could find.


House on the haunted hill... 

Welcome to house on the haunted hill,

It has something in there that can kill.

This property belongs to Mr Willy,

He has an offer for us which is silly.

Stay a night in a house on the haunted hill,

And get 50 thousand dollars that's his Will.

Many had tried but they failed,

Some say Mr Willy has nailed.

They say that the house is cursed,

One who enters can't be searched.

Oh! My Saviour Lord Almighty,

Are there Ghosts having party. 


Danny Nanny Granny and Me... 

My Granny told me this story,

Which is based on ghost theory.

"Never go near house down hill beside the river,

There is something which will make you shiver."

I asked her "What's there in that house?"

I was too curious to clear my doubts.

"There is a ghost in there" as Granny replied, 

I got goosebumps because I was too terrified.

"When clock strikes twelve at every midnight,

She rises and search the house in candlelight.

She search for a little boy named Danny,

Call of her duty as she was his Nanny.

Danny was missing & Nanny found dead one day,

But she still believes he will return to her someday.

Never go near that Nanny of missing Danny,

Or you will disappear like Danny ", said Granny. 



  • Extra Ordinary

    Dec 10, 2020

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