Can't Let You Go Read Count : 168

Category : Songs

Sub Category : LoveSong
You bring me
so much trouble, so much trouble 
You bring me 
So much horror, so much horror
You bring me
So much pain, so much pain
Even though i shouldn't love you so, i just can't seem to let you go

 You know i love you the most
This is not the right timing though 
Some emotions i just can't show
I almost got pushed off the edge though 
I didn't scream, i said i love you instead 
Always sneaking out all night
Just to get grounded everyday
Thought you would be there by my side
So we jumped u didn't jump with me, you watch me fall
Don't care at all, at all

You bring me 
All these problems, all these problems 
You bring me 
All theses games, all these games
Just so i could be played


  • another good one :)

    Aug 09, 2017

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