Read Count : 112
Category : Notes/work
Sub Category : N/A
Hey there! I'm being a potato currently and not updating anything,meh bad. Sorry for the inconvenience cause I couldn't bother to do anything besides eat $## all day and looking at memes on ifunny.co that relate to me. (I funny is an app which has pretty funny and stupid stuff on it) I'm also on minecraft,sketch,flipaclip, and reading webtoon. (I assume you already know what minecraft is, if you don't , go to YouTube or go Google it. ) (WEBTOON has amazing COMICS on it for ALL AGES and is uh-MAZING!!!!I absolutely love it, please go it out, it's FREE too. It WORKS WITH MOST DEVICES.) (Sketch is a cool drawing app that let's you collab with others,free ) (Flipaclip is a simple and the best animating app,free) Check these apps out while I try to get motivated to do stuff. blerp. (I also watched anime on vrv btw,that's why I used itachi from naruto for the cover,Crunchyroll is boss too.) ----melojelo!
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