Unbearable Read Count : 270

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Her hair is dark
Her smile is big
Her eyes look just as sad as his.

He cradles her heart 
Like it's as fragile than ever
The air is starting to get unbearable endeavor.

She is fading away
He is crying
Their love is slowly dying.


  • KavithaVivek G Nath

    KavithaVivek G Nath

    superb dear

    Apr 11, 2017

  • Mar 30, 2017

  • Mar 30, 2017

  • Apr 02, 2017

  • Sep 19, 2019

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    Powerful and tragic🦋🦋🦋

    Sep 19, 2019

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