Damage Control
Read Count : 102
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Its all dampening
Running away
Flowing down a face
Lost in his own space.
Nothing makes sense
Except one person
Yet its too late
That's for certain.
Bleeding heart syndrome
Not really an actual diagnosis
All internally brought
Through thoughts that he'd never be good enough.
Again and again
One after the other
None realized
Til they were already lost
He lost himself
Never found himself
For his thoughts
He always kept to himself
He grew silent
They grew silent
Not a soul reaching out
From either end.
A few glances
Here and there
Nothing more
Nothing less.
Missing pieces
Shattered souls
How many did he break
Never admitting his heart?
All for not
More questions asked
He's so many scars
Yet most were self inflicted.