Writer's Outlet Update 11/12/2020
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Category : Articles
Sub Category : Miscellaneous
Hello Writer's Outlet community. As we approach the end of the year and also the 4 year anniversary of this app on 12/21, I wanted to update you on the future of Writer's Outlet.
I love this app and the community that we have. Over 62000 different people have at one time or another called Writer's Outlet home. At times, we have had a very interactive community and other times like now, it is almost a ghost town. We have a few dedicated writers that are still active and I appreciate you guys.
I have a huge update coming to both the Android and Apple versions of the app. It will hopefully be ready some time this month and will fix a lot of bugs and add some new interactive elements and smoother UI/UX. I am excited about this and very hopeful that it will create the same level of excitement and daily use that we used to have. It is critical that we do.
This app is and always will be free to download as long as it is around. It helps a lot when you write, read, rate, comment and interact with our ad partners. Let's see if we can get this app and our amazing writers back on top. I share your writings every day on Twitter and will do my best to do more Facebook marketing as well. I want to get to our 5th year in 2021 and I need everyone's help. Thank you.
First up, thank you Jared for creating this platform for people like me. Thank you for your continuous effort to think of ways to motivate and encourage the community to keep writing. This app means a lot to me and like you mentioned, Writer's Outlet is definitely a place I call home. I admit, i havent been writing much of late, but it is due to some personal matters which i need to focus on. Having saud that, i am excited about the coming update and i will continue to call this place my home.
Nov 13, 2020