Read Count : 135
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Comedy
We made it to the boarder of Colorado, which was one of the safe spots marked on the map. We traveled by Mlp ponies. When we made it, we found an abandoned house to sleep in for the night. Fitty turned on the radio to see if there was any news. "Hey whats up guys, its scarce here." the news reporter said. "Recently the femn- I mean sjws have raided Kansans and called it their own." scarce said in his voice. "GOD DAMNED FAGGOTS! WE WERE JUST THERE MAN" said Fitty in a rage. "The sjws, taking up most of the west coast, are also taking over most of the east coast as well." Scarce said. "GOd damnit! I left my smechkles behind." Fitty said. "No" Nano said. "NANO I WILL TURN YOU IN IF I CANT GET MY SMECHKLES BACK" said Fitty, not checking her privilege. "I will use my white cis male powers to rape you" said nano angrily. "FITTY, DROP IT. WE CANT RISK HAVING A CIS MALE PISSED OFF AT US!" said fishcat. Fitty said nothing, but knew that one day she'd get her revenge. Eveyone settled down w/ blankets and other things used for sleep and passed out. Fishcat couldn't sleep though, she kept hearing someone beating their meat under the sheets. She got up, stole nano's blanket and patched her leg up with it. Fishcat decided to go outside for a bit, and see what it was like outside. To her horror, she saw many sjw feminazis lined up, and ready to cross the boarder and fight in colorado. Fishcat ran back in and screamed as loud as she could "RUN OR GET RAPED! RUN OR GET RAPED!" before quickly limping out. Everyone scattered and ran after fishcats. We all mounted our mlp ponies and ran. Ran far out into the aesthetically pleasing night. We lost sight of the sjws at an abandoned gas station and decided to rest. "GUYS! THERES STILL FOOD IN HERE!!!" Said Nooby. "I want to eat, some mother fucking, potato CHIPS!" Fishcat screamed shaking the gas station. "Jesus fucking christ fishcat, you sound like sammyclassicsonicfan." Nano said. "YOU FRICKEN FRICKS I WILL HARM YOU" said fishcat pulling out a knife. "put that thing back where it came from" said nano. Fishcat threw the knife at the wall and proceeded to scream again and sit down. We all just passed out on the floor.
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