Five Night At Javeyons, Marqels Bite Updated Has Chapter 3
Read Count : 172
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
Chapter 1 where it all started May 12,1984 marqel funtime place Kids gather together and looks at marqel and shadow siwy'hello kids what to have a funtime lets to the prize conner and get SeEtOo 'marqel said[after that happend something bad happend]hey KID CoMe HEer [gets closer]no stay away! Kid I just to give you a present[stuff the kid in himself][blood sturting out of the suit](kids sreaming and running out of the doors.Some years fredbears got shut down for a bite.So we open up a new place.Called funtime javeyons place. Chapter 2 The ups\The downs Funtime javeyon place is going good but the didn't sound so i mean they change to javeyons funtime place some of the kids were scared of them.marqel was lock away down stairs and his last words are [ll'i emoc kcab i llaways emoc KCAB] 2 days later[7 kids went missing javeyons funtime place.Then out of no where it was night to siwy power up and she said [help us were trapped here]and said nothing eals.The day a guy was in the the javeyon suit a kid slashes water all over javeyon and his springlock costom got tiet and he got power of and they hired a nightgared the robots started to move and free roam wasn't on and then the phone came on he pick up the [hello hey it's me jack I'm here to help you throw the night so dont worry about what they said about the place kids going missing the place being hunted if you see siwy,no name,sammy,or jernest just flash the light.any of the others put on the i well tell you want to do the next day.the show was going go first untell there expsun when it was over a huge red marks on the robots and some thing the sticks in the back room.So they close down and fix some stuff. seetoo give life to them javeyon needed to get fix so they sent him to a factoy.Someone past by javeyon funtime place that work there saw javeyon in the window and he had blood all over even he was crying.and seetoo they BoRok and didnt fix him HE SORE TO NEVER TURST HUMANS AGANIN.It was one night shadow siwy body was to broken down and it's soul came out and it to the new siwy and she started to glitch she said 'hey kids lets have a-a f -funtime [pleh su]l-ets [kill everyone] go i -i cant wa-it to see[blood]you later.so they the robots. They wanted to escape this place and they really needed to get rebooted. Then one day marqel came up stairs and was in javeyon's place and then a kid touching him and the marqel bit half of the kid face off.that date was 1986 june 16. They called it the of 86 not much kids came to javeyon funtime place it was going up but now going just be going down just because that bite.all of the 7 kids where stopped bye seetoo and a kid saw 5 dead kids in javeyon,siwy,no name,eazy,and jernest the place got shut down and wondering why wasnt they shut down befor this happend.They killed every single night guard and thinking it was HIM.But Javeyon told everyone that it wasn't one of them knew it wasn't him.But one night guard he had purplish skin and javeyon knew that was there killer. He through the first night like he didn't even care. Chapter 3 HE HAS TO WIN ???:I'm on the second night and I still can't believe that my dad made this place and bulit the animatronics it must've have taken along to do that.thats all for now sorry