Morgan Snow
Read Count : 115
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Morgan woke up and froze. She got up out of the bed and didn't dare to even take the time to get dressed. She conjured a revolver and tiptoed out of her room in her underwear. She listened. She sneaked into hall and saw the door of the sitting room was open. She stood at the door and peeked in, all she could see was a shoe. She took a deep breath and kicked open the door the rest of the way to reveal Esmeralda sitting on the couch. She tensed but lowered the gun. "What are you doing here? I could have shot you and you're not supposed to be here Theo's calling over any minute now and if he sees you here he will kill you" "why is Theo coming over?" "To chain me up so I don't go on a murderous killing spree" Esmerelda bounced up out of the chair and stood in front of Morgan, she was very close. "Esme you know it's the full moon and even if it wasn't, Theo would kill you anyways, and I might kill you because it's a full moon, and I'm even more unpredictable on full moons than normal werewolves because I'm already a Chimera, and-" Esmerelda kissed her. Morgan kissed her back. Theo sat in his car and pulled up outside Morgan's house and immediately smelled two people one was Morgan the other was human. He immediately got out of the car and snuck inside he didn't know what was happening and wanted to be careful in case he got Morgan caught. Morgan was thrown onto the couch and kissed by her wife. They didn't wear rings but they had matching infinity tattoos on their ring fingers as actual wedding rings would arouse far to much suspicion but a tattoo was easy to lye about. They kissed and Morgan didn't even smell nor see Theo come in all she saw was a gun pressed to his head and tears in his eyes. Morgan pulled her gun out and held it level with Theo's head. "How long has this been goin' on?" "Almost four years now" he looked as though he had tasted something foul with a smell so pungent that he started to cry. "Theo if you pull that trigger I will shoot every part of you until you are nothing but a pool of human innards." He didn't lower his gun but he did take his finger off of the trigger which was progress at least. She sighed "I'm sorry you had to find out like this Theo I'm sorry you had to find out at all but I suppose it was inevitable. Can you promise me that you won't tell anyone?" He shook his head and Morgan nodded hers "will you at least have the decency to give us a few hours before telling anybody?" He nodded and made to leave. He stopped suddenly and spun around hitting Esmerelda on the head with the but of his gun she fell unconscious onto Morgan's chest. Theo grabbed her by her short brown hair and dragged her from underneath Esmerelda and off the couch, she felt like her hair would be pulled from her head and grabbed his hand using it to flip herself onto his back where she beat him unconscious and he fell to the ground. She picked up Esmerelda and carried her out of the house she got halfway down the driveway when the moon found her and turned her. Theo woke to the sound of Morgan screaming and ran out into the driveway where he shot her girlfriend and knocked Morgan unconscious. He dragged her body and her girlfriends body into the house one by one leaving a giant smear of blood behind after Esmerelda and left them in Morgan's room where the transformation completed and Morgan was a mindless wolf with wings and a lions tail in the colour or the rest of her black. He listened to the sound of her tearing apart her girlfriends body and then he drove away in the night back to his home where he fell asleep in his comfy bed, and told everyone the next day the basics of what had happened. Morgan woke up with the taste of blood in her mouth. She looked around and saw blood and flesh and then she saw her beloved wife's face her beautiful pale freckled face surrounded by curly red hair and even when she was dead she had eyes that seemed to glow emerald green. Her beautiful face had hardly been damaged when Morgan had torn her apart in the night but Morgan didn't care she just cradled her lost wife and cried she cried until there was a small puddle next to her and she physically had no more tears left to cry. Eventually she kissed her wife one last time and buried her in the back garden. It wasn't until she walked out into the front that she smelled the gun powder. She frowned and something small and gold shone into her eye. It was the shell of a bullet. There was a trail of blood going up to the house and the only person that would have fired the bullet was Theo. She was immediately filled with rage but just as she was about to leave a black jeep pulled up and Rosa got out. She took one look at Morgan and immediately asked "what happened?" "Theo didn't tell you he killed my wife because she was a human" "I didn't know you were married" "no one did except for the two of us" Morgan turned and walked away and walked to her car "tell Theo that the promise I made him when he held a gun to her head wasn't a lye" she said as she got in. Rosa nodded and drove away. * * * three years later * * * Morgan walked into the military base and found the conference room he was in. The entire room fell silent when she walked in. Most of the people in the room knew her the rest had heard stories. She and Theo locked eyes and she glared at him with such an amount of hatred no one in the room dared even breathe. She jumped across the table and started to beat him up until he threw her off which was a bad idea it just made her even more angry and she kicked him through the reinforced steel wall that was part of the first floor of the base and outside the building itself. She followed him at top speed and roared (this would be the only way to describe the noise she made as screaming is very different to roaring in anger) as she pummeled him using all of her limbs to do so until he was dead. People started to cautiously gather around the crater that had formed around her but kept a very safe distance just incase. She pulled out her gun and fulfilled the promise she had made over three years ago by shooting him until he didn't even look remotely human he was just a pile of body parts that no one could any longer identify. A person of authority she didn't know had enough guts to handcuff her and bring her down to the dungeons where she was chained to the wall so much she could only move her head which had a metal gag attached to it. She was content now and didn't really care what happened next she had delivered justice and had no use for anything else so she hung from the wall and ate the meals set down in front of her and eventually made it so they trusted her enough that she only had shackles on her ankles and wrists and she was starting to get to know the chattier of the guards even though she was naturally not a particularly chatty person she didn't mind talking with people it saved her from getting any more insane than she already was. A general walked down the corridors and stopped at her cell all the guards were standing to attention as a young woman with hair a different style of pink pixie cut to Morgan, a row of piercings on her right ear and a pair of green eyes opened Morgan's cell door. Morgan looked up puzzled. "No one else will admit it to your face but we need your help in this war and are hoping you will agree to help us" Morgan couldn't see a better option so she shrugged and stood up "got nothin else to do so I might as well" the woman unlocked her shackles and lead her to a room to get changed in. She put on a pair of black trousers, with a black t-shirt, a black jacket and her favourite part of the outfit black steel toed combat boots that she strapped up and walked outside in a little bit taller than before. She was walled into the same conference room she had barged into a few months prior and the woman took her seat at the table whispering into Carl Zeiss's ear. Everyone went quiet and looked at her wearily shuffling their feet nervously. She stood awkwardly in the silence and waved just as awkwardly at Carl "evenin Carl how's it goin?" Carl looked like he wasn't quite sure what to say or if he was about to say the wrong thing and set off a nuclear bomb even when he spoke saying: "apart from the damage you did and the fact that we're being slaughtered in this war I'm doing pretty ok" Morgan nodded "yeah sorry about that you see Theo had killed my wife previous to that occasion and I had made some promises around his death if he was going to before he was going to and he obviously didn't take me very seriously which as you can probably tell ended badly for him" "right, ok, anyways we need you to preform a rescue mission with general Quinn here" he said gesturing to the woman that had brought her out of her cell "who will brief you on the situation in a moment and you will leave tomorrow. Understood?" "Understood" she knew at least what all of the responses were for this military type thing and when to say it. General Quinn walked her out of the room and sat her in a different one with a map on the table. "You can call me Ella if you like, just letting you know before we get started". It was obviously her room and someone else's. "You can sleep here tonight" Morgan nodded and Ella sat down. They poured over the map and planned everything for the morning breakout that Ella had already planned most of and it was mainly just telling Morgan what was going to happen. Morgan slept well that night it was happening more often after she had killed Theo and she hoped it would stay like that. Ella and Morgan were the only people that were on the rescue mission so there wasn't a lot of talking involved. They got out of the jeep and snuck in past the patrol and then snuck into the building disabling camera's for short periods of time and avoiding anyone that walked past at the same time. Eventually they got to the dungeons which is what it was a dungeon. There were hundreds of cells each with a magical creatures inside. She killed all seven guards before they even got to tell anyone else they were there and she and Ella set about setting everyone free. They all got out and this time they didn't bother with the cameras or the people they met on the way they killed anyone they met until they came to the canteen and Morgan wanted to go in alone. "Are you crazy?!" "Yes and so will you and everyone else be if you don't wait outside, oh and we're gonna have to go around the canteen if no one wants nightmares" she didn't let Ella respond she just walked in and concentrated no one took notice of her she concentrated and suddenly she felt like she was under water and then the noise stopped completely and she was drenched head to toe in blood. People's body's were everywhere and she left the room to stand next to Ella until she couldn't take it anymore and collapsed. Someone caught her and she was grateful when she realized it was Ella. She had taken quite a shine to Ella over the past day or so and liked her a lot at this point. Morgan woke up in a bed with fresh clothes on. Ella was sitting beside her and so many other people were gathered around her bed it made her blush slightly. Ella smiled "they wanted to thank you for doing what you did you actually did more than I did to get them out of there safely" tears formed in Morgan's eyes as the entire room said thank you and on the last one they fell and flowed down her cheeks as she smiled "no one has said thank you to me quite like this in a long time" she said and Ella laughed she even has a nice laugh thought Morgan as she looked at Ella admiring her not only for her beauty but for how she had made it to general and was still able to smile without being locked off her face. Morgan smiled as well "yeah well get used to it" said Ella Morgan chuckled "shut up" people left her gifts and she hugged children who had been returned to families and then she was left with only Ella. When Morgan woke up the next day Ella was asleep beside her and Morgan found herself blushing again, she looked cute in general but she still looked cute when she was asleep. Ella woke up after a while and Morgan was told she could go back to her own room so she did. She got to know Ella a bit more and went for a drink every now and again. Until one night Morgan was finding it hard to sleep and Ella got up and to her surprise climbed into Morgan's bed and nuzzled into her. Morgan blushed such a furious shade of red that she was glad it was night time and then she picked up her courage and gave Ella a kiss, Ella returned that kiss and they kissed all night long until they fell asleep. After a few years Morgan and Ella grew closer and got more friends and went on missions until it became to much for them both and they died in each others arm's as they slept in their bed with peaceful looks on both their faces.
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