Death Eaters Daughter Chapter 1 Read Count : 77

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
This series is a mini fanfic series to do with Harry Potter universe using the Malfoys, the LeStranges and the other death eaters as well as the character I vreated myself: Rosetta LeStrange Black Malfoy. Enjoy!

Chapter 1 - the initiation

Rosetta sat in stunned silence on her bed, not knowing what to think. She had just been branded with the dark mark and she and Draco are on a mission to assinate Dumbledore. She panicked slightly at the thought of what her friends may say if they found out. 'No they won't find out, you are a Malfoy and a Slytherin. You can do this' she said it time and time again over the remaining period of the holiday that was left in her head now she knew occlumency. Soon enough, it was time to board the Hogwarts Express at Platform 9 3/4 to go to Hogwarts for her 6th year. Honestly, she was terrified. 


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