Mystry Lover- Chapter 1 Read Count : 136

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
Chapter 1 - the dark rose

Chiro sat under the willow tree, a small rose bud in his lap. It had just bloomed which made him think of Rose Ardeline, the princess of Stormze. The largest of the four kingdoms of the realm of Arizona. He sighed. He has a secret that he hasn't told anyone. He is an orphan, in love with Rose. It was forbidden of course, she wad to be married in two weeks to a total stranger but it was to protect the people. She was also stubborn but would stand up for what is right. Loyal, hard working and patient but she would never notice Chiro, a common boy who lives on the streets barely even surviving daily life.

She walked past him, a group of 4 guards following in her wake. She smiled at Chiro as she went passed and he smiled back. Who would know this could start something unforgettable. 

Watch out for chapter 2!


  • Awesome start keep it up

    Aug 05, 2017

  • thx

    Aug 05, 2017

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