How Can You Help Read Count : 144

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
Im asking how can you help i have been throw so much your my best friend Mandy you have a few seconds before i do what has to be done *crying*

Hi Mandy here let me tell you how we got to this point it all started at the begging of high school as some people call it the worst year of your life anyway let's continue the girl who you heard about how can you help me well that's tiff anyway we were at school getting ae new classes and so at this high school things are a little strange. We finished the first day and tiff already likes someone and got there number that's tiff for you anyway a few weeks later tiff and the guy she likes ar together ohh i almost for got his name his Dan now they been together for so long now its the middle of the school year and for this tiff make the dumbest thing ever she sends him a no clothing photo now she tells me what she did and of course like the good friend i am i go off on her like a grenade and scream why would you do that she says because i love him and i want him to be the one next day i see the meanest girl in school Samantha  talking to Dan so i watch them and she tells him that she and him should be together because he's the hottest guy in school and someone like tiff and him should not be together and then they kiss i wanted to rip them both in half i tell tiff and she is of course very up set but to make things more worse the nexts day the tv's at the school show a picture of tiff no clothing photo on the tv's i couldn't find tiff that morning the after noon everyone was looking up at the top of the school i ask what's going on tiff is about to kill herself she says she will jump i run up there and that's were we are now if you forgot just re read the top.ohh btw she ran up the roof and they are standing there.
(Mandy) tiff dont jump please so many people care for you 
(Tiff) i have to Mandy there is no reason to go on 
(Mandy) that's not true what about all your friends and family 
(Tiff) you are my only friend and my family won't care
(Mandy) yes they do we all care for you don't do this
(Tiff) let's find out goodbye Mandy 
(Mandy) nooooo 



  • Tiffy Writer

    Tiffy Writer


    Aug 09, 2017

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