Mystery Girl Part 5
Read Count : 187
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Drama
Chapter 5 “I-it’s you,” she stuttered. I was still at a loss for words as those familiar butterflies came out to play. For a brief moment, it was just her and I, finally standing face to face after all of this time. I knew her features like the back of my hand. I memorized every inch, down to the little mole on her right cheek and the scar on her left hand. “It's you,” I said softly. “Hey sorry to break up this little moment you two are sharing, but I have so many questions,” Lauren demanded. Lauren looked at Alex and asked if we could have a moment. I was still in disbelief as I watched her walk away. Even the way she walked was sexy. How did I not notice that before? “Mik, what's going on? How do you know my contractor?” she sputtered. My head was spinning as I tried to explain to Lauren who she was. I just kept stuttering about her birthday. “Who’s birthday, Mikayla? You're not making any sense,” Lauren barked “Your birthday, at the club, remember?” I said as I finally gathered my thoughts. We didn't talk about that night much, it was a few days after that when she lost Philip. It was a tough time for her, and I respected that. Lauren pulled back a little as I caught her off guard. “Oh,” she sighed. “I'm sorry, I know it's a touchy subject for you,” I said softly. “It's fine, I'm ok, but I'm still so confused,” she said with a puzzled look on her face. “I'm equally confused,” I fired back, which only made her frustrated. “I'm surprised you don't remember her from that night, to be honest,” I snapped. “She bought me a drink, then she danced with us,” I said trying to jar her memory. “I was pretty wasted on my birthday, I don't recall that at all. Besides, shortly after that is when my whole world turned upside down. That still doesn't explain the weird vibe I'm getting from you two.” She smiled. Relieved to see that she wasn't angry, I told her everything. I couldn't really explain it very well, because I wasn't sure about it all myself. “Wait, so you're gay?” Lauren gasped. “I, I honestly don't understand it myself,” I replied. I couldn't explain the butterflies or the obsession I had developed. Maybe that's the wrong word altogether, it was more of an infatuation. “I would never have ever suspected that you were gay,” Lauren continued. “Stop saying that,” I pleaded. “Okay, okay, I'm sorry, but you are a woman, who's clearly smitten with a woman, how else do you explain it, Mik?” Lauren questioned. I sighed, “I don't know, I feel so confused, but one thing I do know is that I melt everytime she looks at me.” Lauren reached out sympathetically and hugged me while she whispered into my ear, “Sounds pretty gay to me love,” she laughed. I chuckled a bit as I pushed her away. Now what? I thought to myself. Here is this woman, in the next room that I have been thinking about nonstop for the past two years. I have regretted everyday not kissing those lips, and here she was. I never thought I would ever see her again, so I'm completely unprepared. The fact that she seemed equally surprised to see me, both excited and confused me even more. “Go talk to her,” urged Lauren. “I can't, what do I even say to her?” I whispered, afraid Alex would hear. My life was such a mess with Josh. It would be selfish of me to involve her, and what if he found out and hurt her? What if he took my boys, or worse, hurt them? There were so many things to consider, and everything pointed to the same outcome- just walk away. My heart sank as I came to this conclusion. “Lauren, I have to let it go,” I cried. “There is too much at stake.” “Mama, Can I go swimmin pease?” Begged Drew as he ran in. “Sure baby, let's get your swim trunks on,” I said as I ushered him into the bathroom. I helped Drew put on his suit then told him to send in David. I was in the bathroom folding up Drew’s clothes, I stood up and turned around when I heard someone walk up. “Hi again,” She said as she stood in front of me. She was taller than I remembered. “Oh, hi,” I sputtered. I felt a warm sensation across my face as I looked at her. She wore beat up old jeans, with a stained t-shirt. I've never seen anything so sexy in my life as I gazed into her eyes. I dreamt about this day for so long. I was so sure that if I ever saw her again, I would seize the moment and kiss those lips. I needed to know if this was real, but instead I froze. “I can't,” I said so quietly that she couldn't hear me. “Did you say something?” she inquired. “Uh, I said, I can't. It's just so complicated,” I cried. She took a step back, I saw everything she wanted to say but didn't, in her eyes as she turned her head and walked away. “Mama, are you ok?” asked David as I stood there breathless. “Yeah sweetie, I'm ok, let's get your suit on so we can swim,” I suggested. “Yay, okay,” cheered David. David ran out of the bathroom covered in poorly rubbed in sunblock as he was too anxious to wait for me to finish applying it. Lauren headed outside with the kids while I changed into my swimsuit. I walked out of the bathroom and headed to the pool out back. As I slid open the back door I caught a glimpse of her. She was leaning against the wall watching me as I slipped outside. Once more I felt the flutters in my stomach as we locked eyes. We stood there speaking to each other through just a glance. My eyes watered as I closed the door and turned away. My heart shattered into a million pieces as I walked away. It's for the best I told myself. I dried my eyes and went and jumped into the pool with the kids. They all squealed when the water splashed at them. I swam to the bottom of the pool and stayed there until my lungs were about to burst, then I splashed to the surface and took a deep breath. “There you are mama,” screamed Drew.