To Live In Harmony Without You Read Count : 214

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Shards left as memories,
Pierce my heart once more. 
 I remember you by every breath
 I have to smoke in my room.  

Traces of coffee left on my lips, 
Which keep me awake at night.
Still remind me of the last kiss 
You gave me over my mouth.  

Traces of doubt that you will return soon,
 I do not understand why you had to leave, 
And me, to be left alone once again. 

 Traces of you through my soul, 
While you smile,
 I do not remember anything funny
 To laugh with you.  Ha! Ha! Ha!

I need to leave my pain
 In the glasses I break behind. 
I need to move my heart away from my body,
 To live in harmony without you.


  • Oct 15, 2020

  • Oct 15, 2020

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