The Mendering Story - The Escape Plan (1/?) Read Count : 169

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
( The story takes place several years after Snaky was trapped and locked in the maw, now he is between twelve and thirteen years old and the events of the story of Six and Runaway Kid just happened, only that after the end of the chapter of the Boy, Six and the Runaway Kid escaped together from the Janitor and Six never killed the Lady, only to hurt her seriously and she seeks them to take revenge of them. ) 

The soft rocking of the room took Snaky out of his light sleep, the boy felt agitated, felt his heart beating a lot and a slight headache.
He grunted in annoyance, he knew he had dreamed something, but he couldn't remember it.
Maybe he had dreamed with his old home?
The boy sat in the sunken mattress of the bed carefully, hugging his legs against his chest, trying to calm down.
Beside him, the wall was full of marks indicating how many days had passed since he had reached that hell, The Maw.
By the time Snaky had stopped marking those signs on the wall, it was already full and he was tired of doing that.
How long had it been since he'd gotten there? Years?
His body had changed a lot, he was no longer chubby, now he was thin and bony boy, his hair had turn pale and grown, the most remarkable was his skin, his old roasted tone had faded and was now replaced by a milky tone. Snaky had grown quite a bit too, he was like a taller head since the boy arrived.

Over time, he had come to accept the idea that no one would save them, that no one from outside cared how they were or what had happened to them.
Many children arrived there and many of them ended up being part of some of the chef's recipes, others starved, and some who managed to escape ended up dying from a fall or caught by hungry rats or leeches.
Snaky was not the same as he was before, with time had learned that he shouldn't attract too much the attention of the janitor, if he wanted to survive, the kid had to be invisible. That was how the young kid had managed to stay alive for so long. But it was time to be deceived.
Snaky was getting older, probably the maw's oldest child, when he arrived he was a seven-year-old boy and now he would have ... Twelve years? thirteen years? He wasn't sure how old he was. Every day that passed, it was a countdown for the blonde, it was only a matter of time before the janitor decided to send him into the clutches of the chefs.
The idea of ​​escaping came back to his mind, He had already tried several times ... he could try to force the door, run as fast as his legs would allow him, dodge and escape from the long arms of the monster that whatching them all ... Escape from The Maw.

"So what, what will you do next?" A small voice sounded in Snaky's head.
He hugged his legs harder, did not know how it happened, but the boy had forgotten where he came from, he had forgotten for the people he worked for ...
Everything had happened little by little, first some small details had been erased, like the time of his home, his favorite hobbies ... the thing went on and on until it only remembered the moment in which he was transported in a cage On a boat with other children.
His entire life seemed to have been erased from Snaky's mind, as if his memories had been locked in a box and thrown into the sea, far from his reach.

Could it be that this sinister place had a defense mechanism that would erase the memories of the children so that they could not escape? Snaky suspected yes. And it had not been the only one, similar situations had happened with the other boys and girls of there. But they had not forgotten everything like him. Surely the reason was that they had not been trapped for so long. Many times he asked himself if that was the best, not remember who he was before ..
They had snatched everything away, like a blurred wave, Snaky remembered having owned a cowboy hat, other different clothes, boots ... The last one he had owned where he came from. And one day the Janitor snatched it, burned those clothes in front of him and handed him the clothes he had to wear since then: a pair of old pants and a short-sleeved T-shirt, clothes that looked like they had been taken from a hospital. 
Snaky had called it "the day of the coup", because if you were lucky enough to survive, the monster was in charge of taking the last thing you left from where you came.

Perhaps ... he could climb up on the ship that brought those terrible beings, the guests, and travel to where that strange machine took. Snaky could start from scratch, a new life ...
It was not a bad idea, but ... Would he be cold enough to leave everyone else there and live as if nothing had happened? The answer was no, his conscience would not leave him alone.
There had to be another way ... a moment.
The blond-haired boy came down from the bed and ran to the other side of the room, careful not to step on the ink on the floor. He did not know who had drawn that because it appeared one day in his room, but there was a drawing of a child with a yellow raincoat, and next to it was another drawing with what looked like a boy in blue clothes and with a kind of chain in his ankle.

Six and Runaway Kid, also known as Seven.

He had never seen them, but he had heard many stories of them, it was said that they were the children who had escaped, had mocked the monsters and still hovered in the maw. Maybe..? Maybe the boy should try to find them, join them and find a way for everyone to get out of there alive and not on a plate of food for the guests. It was not a bad idea.
Anyway, the kid doesn't have other choice, maybe tomorrow, or another day the kid would end up in a piece of paper that would be sent to the kitchen.
Determined, Snaky had to make a plan to escape ... and already knew how to do it.

( Soon i will upload Snaky's new reference, so you can see the look that he has in the history )


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