I Didn't Know Read Count : 194

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I didn't know what to ask of you. 
 You didn't know what to give me. 

 I did not know that for love 
You do not have to kneel, 
Except marriage proposals.

I didn't know because no one taught me 
That you can do anything 
And you can't have it anyway. 

 I did not know
 What kind of love would strike me,  
Until my eyes began to bleed 
And her arms bared my wet skin. 

 I did not know that I would run
 After people who do not stop their steps.
I did not know what is wrong and what is right,
 When my heart cries out a different name 
Than the one I had in my head. 

 I didn't know what to ask, 
You didn't know what answer to give.
  I did not know that love has the power
 To pierce the heart like an arrow.


  • Oct 13, 2020

  • Oct 13, 2020

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