The Yin And Yang
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What is the Yin and Yang The main purpose of the Yin and Yang is a fundamental concept in Chinese culture in general dating from the third century BCE or even earlier. The principle is that all this exists as inseparable to there counter parts. Ok enough of the boring stuff, If u still dont understand listen to this simple explanation if you do under stand skip the the next paragraph. The Yin and Yang was created to symbolize that one thing will always have something to rival it or in other words it will have an opposite ex, fire~water, good~bad, Male~Female, Dark~light, old~young. Most of you might have seen this symbol in the movie "kung fu panda" (I love it) in the movie and in real life the symbol was created as a symbol of hope to show the Chinese that good will always rival bad to maintain order in the world. I love this symbol so much because when you think about it this symbol gives us hope when we need it the most because know everyone thinks the world is falling apart with war, sickness, politices, bombings, poverty, its nice to think about that if theres that much pain and havoc in the world there should be the same amount of good. People ussually focus on the bad side of life and forget about the good times because when bad things happen they ussualy mess with your life more than the good times so people lose their happiness trying to prevent even more bad things ex, Extra hours working and not being able to stay with family or freinds, So remember to focus on the bright side of life and life it the best u can only live once and when your life flashes before your eyes u shouldnt see pain sadness and fear you should see doing your best to to have a mixture of fun~work, happiness~anger, joy~sadness. So remember the Yin and Yang when things get tough or even the good time and remember this one quote that i came up with "Live your life the best u can, because you can only live it once".
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