As Often As We Used To
Read Count : 193
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Dear friend, I know we don't talkAs often as we used to.I know you're already married,And you don't have the same time for me.But I miss you, even if I don't tell you every day.I am happy for you, but at the same time,I feel a little sadness in my soul.I know it's not just your fault,Maybe I walked away.I don't want to bother you,Now that I see you're busy now.Dear friend, sometimes I readThe old conversations in whichYou told me many timesThat I will never lose you,But I feel that I lose you every day,until the last drop of your blood.Dear friend, I know we don't talkAs often as we used to.But I love you and I wish you, darling,All the best for yourself.