Reckless Abandon Read Count : 110

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

The motorbike was left alone
Wasn't even chained, disowned 
You took the bike for your own
Rode into the night, took it home

Now your gone 
You never shone
Was your fate all along 
Reckless abandon 

Last I saw you riding the bike
Your dark eyes, were red psych
Your life was all punch and strikes
Your game face was gritty war-like

Now your gone 
You never shone
Was your fate all along 
Reckless abandon

The police gave chase away you fled
You escaped but tyres were shred
Sped your way, didn't look ahead
A washing line took off your head


  • Oct 03, 2020

  • Oct 03, 2020

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