Ultimate Stick Fight Read Count : 121

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
All I wanted was just a life at heart. Voluntary enjoying the community at heart. An all of a sudden of a dark night morning, I heard nothing but moaning an the screams out my window. I wake up in stress ofparanoid, peeking out the window too see what’s moving. What’s squirmying around the premises of my town an village world area, me seeing nothing but blood mattersplattered across the floors an the streets of my town, I don’t know what happen, but I’m sure evil had something to do with this now in my thoughts of my mind. I soon figured out it was my time to shine. No one of a force won’t stop me taking my land back to main course of my life I kept secret fro so long, whoever this villain is, I’m putting in end to your doom. I want answers after I’m through with you


  • Sep 30, 2020

  • Oct 01, 2020

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