Kid Read Count : 86

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I was a council estate kid
Didn't know who I was hanging with
Living the wrong side of town
Everything I do is my own
Rough as bloody guts
Dagger, silver flash as it cuts

Tell me my sins are forgiven

I was a council estate kid
Didn't know I had to be connected 
Keep my head down under my hood
Beaten and bloody and bruised 
Fists showing, then all of a sudden bam
How the hell did I get to where I am?

Tell me my sins are forgiven

I was a council estate kid
Kept thoughts under my eye lid
Desperate to escape that life 
Get away from all that strife
If you make it to 20 then may be 
You can get out like me

Tell me my sins are forgiven


  • Amazing ❤️

    Sep 30, 2020

  • Oct 01, 2020

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