Read Count : 138
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
I screamed for someone to call 911 as I frantically held him in my arms on the ground. My hands were bloody from trying to stop the bleeding with my shirt. I felt him shivering so I held him tighter and told him he will be okay. His eyes were only half open when I kissed him on his lips. I could feel a strong influx of tears pouring down my face as I held him as close as possible. When I kissed him I tasted a mixture of my tears and his saliva. Then all of a sudden he stopped shivering...... I look at the framed origami heart and it’s like I could still feel his presence. I remember attending the local college in the fall semester. I had just graduated from high school so I was a bit new to the world. On the first day, I learned no one was there to make friends. They were there to just get there education and get the hell out of there. It was not like high school at all where everyone socialized and had cliques. You did not have to be there if you did not want to. This was a big classroom with long desks that could fit about 4 students a desk. The first day of class he sat behind me. I did not notice him much but I did get a glimpse of him and thought he looked like one of my old buddy’s brother. I did not care too much for him because I had no reason to. The 2nd day of class comes around and he comes in a little later and sits at my desk to the left of me. I did not pay any attention to him because I was talking to the girl that sat to my right. I sat there waiting for instructions from the professor when I had nothing else to say to the girl. I looked straight but I could see from the corner of my eye he had been staring at me. I did not care and just thought he had a staring problem. One day he comes in and sits next to me. He nudged me with a note asking me if I knew the password to the online homework. I wrote it down and did not say anything to him at all. He then asked me what school I graduated from. I told him and said nothing else. He replied saying he could have sworn that he saw me at his old high school. I said no, and just turned away. The next class period he sat next to me again. He said hello, and I gave a simple hey. He asked me if I had done the assignment. I told him yes and turned away. He nudged me in class asking what I was doing later on. I told him I had class and I have to take care of some business afterward. He said okay. After class I walked to my car and beeped my car to unlock. I got in and realized I left the headlights on. So of course the battery was drained, but I tried to start my car anyway. I made several attempts and proved to myself that it would not start up. I waited for someone to come out to the parking lot to see if they had jumper cables, and all the people said no, but I know most of them just did not want to stay back in the heat. After getting a bit frustrated because it was hot and my car would not start, I was about to call my brother to come help me. He was walking toward my way wiping the sweat off his forehead. I guess he knew what my agenda was because he said “Car won’t start?” I said “Yes”, and he told me not to worry because he has jumper cables. My frustrations were appeased, and I suddenly felt less hot. He parked next to my car and popped his hood; he gave me two cables while he put the other two on his car battery. I went to go start up my car, and I blasted the air conditioner. I took off the cables from my car and thanked him. I got in my car and left as he was putting away his cables. I was driving to work and I kept thinking what a nice guy he was to help me out in this kind of heat. I felt like maybe I should have paid him, or gave him something. I was really thankful to have him help me. Who knew how long I could have fried in the heat. Two days later I went to class and he had arrived before me. I sat next to him and said hello. I thanked him again and told him I felt like I should have given him something. He said I really did not have to and he was glad to help. I smiled and thought he was kind of cute. Maybe I thought he was kind of cute because I was drawn to the idea of what a genial person he is. He asked me if I wanted to grab a bite to eat. I said “Maybe not right now, but some of other time.” He said “Okay”. Then after about 10 minutes I told him, “Well maybe a quick bite would be great.” He smiled and said he felt like getting some sushi. So we met up at this sushi joint and we sat at a table. We talked about what we were doing in college and what we want out of life. We talked about random things in our life and soon enough the food came out. After we were done, I asked the waitress for the check, and she handed it to me. He pulls out his wallet and said he would pay for half. I said “No, I am still really appreciative that you helped me out a couple days ago”. I gave the waitress my card and that was that. So after our lunch was over, I shook his hand and told him I would see him in class. The next class meeting he asked me what I was doing tomorrow, which was a Friday. I said I had to run some errands. He then initiated to go maybe watch a movie and perhaps eat dinner together in the evening. I said “Well I kind of have plans tonight,” even though I did not. He said “Okay, what about Saturday.” I could not think of any excuses right then and there, so I just said “Actually tonight would be great”. So he replied, “Okay did you want me to pick you up?” I said “I actually have to run to someone’s house first, so could we just meet up?” I was lying, I just did not want him to know where I lived just yet. He said okay. We met up at Veronica’s around 6. He was waiting outside at the entrance for me and the time was 10 til 6. I made my way to the entrance and he popped out of nowhere. One of his ears was pierced and he wore denim pants with a collared shirt. His hair was almost to his scalp and his skin was white as cocaine. I asked him if he had been there for a while and he said no he just arrived. But I think he really had been there for a while. I asked him what he liked to do, and he reciprocated with the question of who I’m dating. I told him I was a bit apathetic about love because right now I have had my heart broken many time and plus I have more important things to worry about. I also made it clear that I am only eating dinner with him as a friend. He told me he was not looking to get anywhere with me and he just wanted to get out. I said “Great, I just wanted to make sure because people have gotten mad saying I led them on, even though I did not mean to.” He was actually a very good conversationalist. He was random and kept the conversation going yet interesting. I have never met a boy that could do that, so I was intrigued. I told him my life stories and he told me his. I was really enthralled, and was baffled that it was by a young male my age. Usually boys in their early twenty’s have nothing to keep me interested. After dinner we went miniature golfing, and it was really fun. All the other times I went, it was boring. The old saying is true. Anything can be fun as long as you are with the right people or person. He was a really fun and vivacious person to be around. We made little bets saying whoever wins has to buy dessert or has to gravel to the winner. I won of course, but I think he let me. He told me I was awesome and I told him to tell me something I don’t know; jokingly of course. All of a sudden someone’s golf ball comes flying my way. He grabs me by my shirt and hugs me. At first I thought “Get the hell off of me”, but then I realized what he was doing. He asked me if I was okay, and I smiled and said “Awww, my hero”. So after we golfed, I pat him on the back and told him I had a great time. I added I would see him in class on Tuesday and to have a great weekend. When I was driving home, I honestly did think of him the whole way. I thought he was about the nicest boy I have ever met. In fact I thought he was a little too nice, and was thinking it had to be a facade. Or maybe I am just too paranoid. Or maybe he really is different. That is what I told myself last time I was interested in a boy and it ended up bad. He said all the right things, and I thought he was a different kind, but I could not have been more wrong. I was not going to let history repeat itself so I was determined to only remain friends. He sat next to me in class again. He wrote my a note during class asking me if I would be his. I wrote back that I did not want a boyfriend at the moment. He said he really liked me and that he would never do those things that my exes did. I did not believe him because all boys say that. They always sugar coat how the relationship would be like and it would turn out to be what I anticipate. I wrote that I would think about it and give him an answer later. I was thinking in class that maybe it would not be such a bad idea. He was kind of cute, but I never really notice those kinds of things with people. I was highly attracted to him on his personality alone. He was absolutely generous, humorous, intelligent, and compassionate. What would be the harm in giving him a chance, I could always just break it off anytime. So by the end of the class period I said I gave him a yes response. After class he wanted to walk me to my car and he did. He took a peek into my car and commented on how messy it was. I smiled and told him I would offer him a ride to his car, but I wouldn’t know where he could sit. He opened my car door for me and I got in. He was such a gentleman. I found out that someone had run over my dog and left him for dead on the street. I was incredibly upset because I really loved that dog. He called me and I told him how upset I was and how I feel so alone now that I don’t have my dog to keep me company. So he told me he was going to pick me up and take me somewhere. He picked me up and did not tell me where he was taking me. I was thinking “Oh no, this is how murder movies start”. He took me to the outskirts of town on a huge cliff that overlooked the whole city. It was absolutely beautiful. He remembered that I told him I enjoyed admiring nature. We were officially dating and he was respectful in every single way. He never tried to touch me or make me feel uncomfortable at all. I appreciated that because most guys are quick to touch and feel. We stayed there for a good two hours and he took me back to his place to cook me some dinner. He was an excellent chef. He made me this steak with some cheese stuffing of some sort that had the perfect seasoning. I was impressed by his cooking skills. Afterward he played the piano for me and sang to me; I think I melted. Right before he I walked out the door, he handed me an origami heart and told me there is a note inside for me to read if I ever feel alone again. I smiled and he watched me walk to my door. I had to pee really bad so to emptied my pockets and the i threw the heart on my desk somewhere. After I was done with the bathroom, I forgot to read it. I cleaned my car and picked him up in the evening. We ate dinner at this one Italian place which was not that good. We could not decide what to do after dinner, so about half an hour of not being able to decide what to do, I took him star gazing. We sat on the roof of my car looking straight up. He told me everything he knew about constellations and explained what a star really is. We talked and got to know about each other’s family. He grabbed my hand and did not look at me. I could feel that it was sweaty, I guess he was nervous. I was nervous too because at the moment I realized I was falling in love with him. I leaned over to give him a peck on the cheek and told him I never wanted this moment to end. He said he did not either. The area was dark and desolate, so the stars and moon were our only light. We laid there holding hands for about half an hour. It was getting late so we decided to get going. I turned on my car and the song “Feels like Home” came on. I turned the engine on already, and he put his hand on the wheel. He asked if I would dance with him. I looked at him for a while and smirked. I turned off the engine and rolled down the windows. We got out and started slow dancing in the middle of nowhere. I held him tight because I felt something that I had never felt before, like someone actually cared. The next day in class we did a class activity that required all the tables to be pushed to the side. After we did the activity, I was helping to take the tables down and my grip slipped off the table leg. He caught it before the table slammed on my foot and I hurried up and grabbed the table with him. I hugged him for saving me again and walked him to his car. He hugged me and told me to be careful. I gave him a peck on the cheek and waved goodbye. He rolled down his window and asked me what I was doing right now. I kiddingly replied “thinking of you” even though I really was thinking of him. He asked if I wanted to grab a bite to eat. I said sure, and he told me get in his car. We had a chat about our sexuality in his SUV. I told him that I never made a formal announcement to anyway because I felt like being this way is not who I am but what I am. It would only matter to someone if they wanted a romantic relationship with me. If my family asked me, I would tell them the truth. I could just bring home a boy one day and I am sure they would know then. But I really did not feel that it was important for me to quote unquote come out of the closet. He held my hand as he drove with his left. He asked would I mind holding hands with another guy out in public. I told him for the most part no, but if there are kids around I would rather not. I explained why and he just gave me an “oh”. We stopped off at this sit-down joint and he opened the door for me. I walked in and grabbed his hand when he came in. Many people looked, but I proudly displayed our fingers interlocking with each others. When we sat down I was still holding his hand from across the table. The waitress came and looked at us for awhile. She told us we were a really cute couple. I thanked her and expressed that he was my better half. I ordered a steak and there was s knife on top of my steak. The waitress lost balance of her trey and the steak knife slipped off the plate going straight for my hands. He caught it before it touched anything and the waitress apologized profusely. He got a minor puncture on his finger, but it wasn’t enough to squeeze out a couple drops of blood. Once again he saved me from danger though. I could not believe how danger prone I was. But I did not really mind because I knew I would have him to save me. It crossed my mind that maybe he planned this all out, and he was just trying to look like my savior. But then again I could just be very lucky find him. We went to a club together. It was just a way to get out and meet new people since we both loved to. I saw my ex there. This was the ex that took me forever to get over. But then again I was not really over her yet because when I saw her I wanted to hang with her. I told him to go dance with other people, but he said he’d rather just sit for a while. I wanted to go hang out with my ex for a while because I felt like we had some stuff to catch up on. I told him that he could leave if he would like to and that I could just hitch a ride with my ex. I was thinking that when I saw her again I had those feelings again. I told home he should go home as I left him there while my ex led me to her friends. We all chatted and soon enough I found them abasing me. They were no longer laughing with me, but they were laughing at me. I could not believe they were such impudence. They did not even know me and they were making assumptions. I felt so disrespected and livid that she did not even say anything to her so called friends. I just looked at her and turned around to walk the other way. I was really upset and just wanted to get the hell out of there. I was pushing my way to the front and there he was sitting there near the entrance. I looked at him and he said “I just wanted to make sure that you got home safely.” I stared at him for a while and he looked down. I hugged him and told him how stupid and sorry I was for leaving him. He said it was okay and he remembered that was the ex I told him about. I kissed him on the lips for the first time and asked him what I did to deserve him. We made our way out to the car and I kissed him again because I felt so lucky to have him in my life. I always thought I did not need anyone, training myself to rely me and only me. I did not need him, I just wanted him. We stopped off at the bank so I could run to the ATM. It was late and I could see there was just one other car parked in the bank parking lot. He asked me if he would like for him to go down with me. I replied said no. I kissed him again and held his hand. I did not want to let go because for once in my life I felt like loved. So I went down and I saw a black guy come out of a Cutlass. He was walking toward the ATM machine also. He looked like he was from the hood or something, really disheveled, with oversized clothes and corn roles. I did not see his face because he was so black he blended in with the night. I withdrew 200 dollars and when I turned around to leave the ATM the black guy asked me to borrow 50 bucks. I was still walking and I said I don’t have time right now. So the black guy grabs my arm and asks me where I am going so fast. I said “Get the fuck off of me”, in a firm voice. The black guy scratched me as I tried to free my arm. That’s when he came running out of the car to my aid. Then three other black guys came out of the Cutlass tackling and tazoring him. I heard his cry of pain and I screamed his name. I uppercut the guy in front of me and started running to him but the black guy in front of me maces me. I felt my eyes burning and I could not breath. I covered my eyes hoping this was all just a nightmare. He socked me in the face and grabbed the money out of my pocket. All I heard next was “let’s go, let’s go” and screaming tires driving off. I was crawling on the ground trying to feel my way to him. I called out his name asking him where he was. All I could hear was squirming against the concrete and hard breathing. I was gasping for air still trying to feel my way to him. I kept yelling if he was okay because I did not know what happened after I was maced. Then finally I heard a weary voice call my name. I was so relieved to know he was still alive. I asked where he was and if he was okay. I found him, held him tightly, and apologized to him. I kissed him somewhere on his face, but I am not quite sure where. I told him my eyes were burning, and I can not see a thing. I tried to wipe out the mace in my eyes, but it still felt the same. He told me we need to call the cops, and I concurred. I asked him if he could get up, he said he just felt a little paralyzed for a while but he is okay now. We just held each other for a while and I could feel his heart beating faster against mine. We were in the car and at this point my eyes were still burning but not as much. I washed it out with some bottled water and it helped a lot, but not enough. We went back to his place and he helped me up the stairs. He gave me some eye drops to help out with the burning and redness. I started to be able to see a lot better now. I saw specs of blood on his back and told him in a panic tone. He looked in the mirror and I told him to take off his shirt. I looked at it and hurried to get a paper towel. I dabbed it and he gave a little sound of minor pain. I examined his body to make sure there weren’t any other scratches. I told him he was okay as I looked up at to his face. I knelt down and slowly kissed me. I no longer felt any burning in my eye but rather my whole body now. Not really a burning just a warm sensation. I put my hands on his chest and caressed him from shoulder to shoulder. He grabbed my ass and put his hands under my shirt. I grabbed his ass back and started to undo his pants. That was the night I lost my virginity to him. I was really nervous about bringing home a boy to meet my family. I never made a formal announcement saying that I liked boys so it is going to be a surprise. I was not sure if I should tell everyone over there phone and then show up, or just surprise everyone. If I told my parents over the phone they could have a chance to react, and if they do not want to see me, then I could just save myself the trip. But then that would only prove that I was chicken shit and that I am afraid of my own family. I decided to just bring out my parents to a restaurant and surprise them there. If they are to overwhelmed then they can leave. So that is exactly what I did. Him and I arrived there first and I was really nervous. He was nervous too because as we were holding hands, everyone was staring or course, but I felt his palms were as sweating as mine. I thought what if my parents make a scene, this is the ultimate shame, did I forget to use deodorant? Soon enough my parents arrived at the door, and I got up to greet them. I introduced him to them but excluded that we were together. They looked at me kind of funny and I am sure they knew who he was. I told them I had someone I would like for them to meet over the phone. And that it was someone very special to me. During the evening I thought maybe they really could not put two and two together, so I held his hand put it on top of the table. They took a quick glimpse and just continued eating. My parents did not question or utter a word about him and I. My parents were expecting him to pay since he was now to impress them. I knew it was too good to be true that they accepted this and did not dare utter a word of it. I was at my parents house and my mother gave me a lecture about how I am just confused and that it is just phase. She asked me how this all came about and if I was just exclusively into boys. I told her how he saved me many times and what we have been through together. I said that I think I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him. She goes, “Make sure you carry around a condom too.” I grimaced my face and said “I am not going to turn into a man-slut. He is the only one I am willing to share my body with.” She replied with “Just be careful. I am really worried what life would be like for you. This society does not take too kindly to this. You are my son and I just want the best for you.” I hugged her and told her “I can take care of myself”. My Dad on the other hand was not so easy going and accepting. He calls me into his room and tells me to sit down in a rocking chair. He asks me if I like boys. I nodded. My Dad says “ You are still young. You don’t even know what you like. You don’t even know who you are. You are stupid to jump to conclusions so fast. Do you know how shameful this is? You are going to die of AIDS.” I told him that just because we’re two boys, it does not mean we’ll get AIDS. I also said if he is not welcomed around the family then neither am I. My Dad replied “As far as I’m concerned I do not have a faggot son. I would rather you be a murderer than a fuckin’ queer.” My face just froze and I ran out there. It took a while to register what was said to me by my parents. I already expected that reaction so it was not too big of a surprise. “He” stayed with me the whole time I was sulking over what happened with my parents. I knew that it was all about us now, and as long as we had each other, everything would be dandy. Him and I went to go watch a movie together downtown. That weekend was the opening weekend for that one movie with Ice Cube. The movie theatre was flooded with black people. The poor theatre worker reported to us two riots, a couple of malicious threats, and people stealing from the concession. She also added that every time they have these kinds of movies, there is always trouble. I don’t understand why they keep putting out these kinds of movies in theaters if they know it would attract a lot of trouble makers. I witnessed these two girls arguing near the bathroom and pulling each others hair. They were going at it but the cops broke up the fight. We watched this movie about some girl who went through life without knowing what nationality she really was. It was a bizarre and illogical plot with really bad acting. I kept telling him how dumb that movie was and I can not believe we wasted ten bucks just to see such a movie. When the movie ended the lobby had cleared out with just a few people here and there. We had to walk around the theater to get to my car with his hand intertwined with mine. Then we turned the corner and saw that there were a couple of black guys in their early 20’s hanging out about 5 parking spaces away from my car. As we got near them, one of the black guys jumped out in our way and asked if we wanted to buy a gun. It looked like a toy gun that had been spray painted black. He replied no and we kept walking to my car. I heard laughing from that group and one of them yelled “I could shoot up in the ass, faggots!”. I turned around and yelled “Fuck you!” He told me to just let it go and forget them. I heard some more laughing from the group and all of a sudden “BANG!! BANG!!!!” He jumped in front of me and fell to the ground. The black guys ran in a flash. I could not believe what just happened as I tried to catch him. I screamed his name over and over. All he gave back were a couple breaths of air. I yelled at the top of my lungs for someone to help. I screamed so loud my voice started to crack. I looked at the gun shot wounds and I started crying. The black guys were out of there so quick I did not even see them run off. I felt my sweat just beading down my forehead as I told he is going to be okay. My heart was beating so fast I could swear it was about to jump out. I screamed for someone to call 911 as I frantically held him in my arms on the ground. My hands were bloody from trying to stop the bleeding with my shirt. I felt him shivering so I held him tighter and told him he will be okay. His eyes were only half open when I kissed on his lips. I could feel a strong influx of tears pouring down my face as I held him as close as possible. When I kissed him I tasted a mixture of my tears and his saliva. Then all of a sudden he stopped shivering and I held his head closer rocking him back and fourth. I sang him our song, the one where we first danced to when we went star gazing together. I kissed his head and I could felt myself crying harder and harder. Two cops and a few theater workers came running out. They saw me on the ground holding him crying my eyes out for someone to come help. One of the cops radioed for an ambulance and he told me they are on their way. I was crying out the words that these black guys shot him and ran that way. The cop immediately ran towards the direction I was pointing at. The cop asked me if I was hurt and what happened. I could no longer speak because I was in a state of devastation. He was pronounced dead at the scene and I cried for two weeks straight. I lost 13 pounds and I had not left my room within that time period. I felt like a part of me was ripped out by a couple of strangers all because we were at the wrong place at the wrong time. I blamed myself for allowing these strangers to tap into my angry side and yelling “Fuck you” to them. If I did not say that, he would probably still be here today holding my hand and I could tell him how much I love him. I would do anything in the world to take back that moment in time where I could have just let it go. But then again they might have even shot at us even if I did not do anything. During those two weeks I also found that origami heart he gave me. I remember he told me to read it when if I ever felt alone again. I opened it and in blue ink, it read “You are never alone, because you will always have me”. My heart just sank and I cried harder. When I pulled myself out depression, I immediately bought a frame to frame that origami heart. It hangs above my bed. I really do feel like I can never love again. I promised myself that I will not give my heart away to someone else because he already owns it. Even though he would have probably wanted me to move on with my life, I just can not. He was my life and he will always be a part of me. He made me a better person in every single way and I am thankful to have met him. He was the only one in the world that has ever loved me whole heartedly for everything that I am and for everything that I am not. He is my better half, my soul mate, my hero.....