The Angel Series Read Count : 281

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
This is a series of poems about two angels that find a gentle new love....
           Deserted Souls

Amid time turbulent from distant shores
Cast down from the forsaken life before 
Two lovers lost begin the search 
Each hidden not knowing their own Souls worth 
Creatures Divine and Angels fair
Within their wings such misery bear 
To find a life the heart complete
To know Loves' love the moments sweet 
The eyes of each filled distant stars 
No longer loves' embrace afar A single thread becomes their song
Tied tightly to the heart grown strong
Within themselves and not the world 
The vision same was then unfurled 
And now sprung forth the joy uncaged 
Made manifest amidst griefs rage 
A promise born of two Souls wed 
With hands entwined their passion led
All fear removed they touch as one
The journey near is now begun As spotless hope calls both too deep 
It's now the vow the soft heart keeps 
Arise Oh Love and greet the day 
The sun calls forth our wings obey



I lay my head upon your heart and beg your ear to hear, that loves sweet cry is captured in the moment of our tears
Where two were led from darkest shadows into a graceful light, our deepest passion sleeps no more, awakens and takes flight
And so my love we find the reason this was meant to be, you came and placed loves' promise inside the heart of me And now that it is sheltered and freely will grow kind, I say my love, my dearest friend, my soul was yours to find
No one will ever realize this place belongs to us, our quiet whispers, a winged embrace is how we gently touched

RW. &  JW


  • Erica D

    Erica D

    i look forward to reading them!

    Mar 28, 2017

  • Erica D

    Erica D

    Really enjoyed these!

    Mar 29, 2017

  • Christian Diaz

    Christian Diaz

    Nice ypu make nice poetry

    Mar 30, 2017

  • Christian Diaz

    Christian Diaz


    Mar 30, 2017

  • Christian Diaz

    Christian Diaz


    Mar 30, 2017

  • Jared DeMoss

    Jared DeMoss


    May 27, 2017

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