The Hunt Volume 4
Read Count : 165
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
I awoke tyed to a bed the man sitting in a chair beside me I was only wearing my bra and underwear I tryed to talk but then I realized there was tape on my mouth.the man looked at me and began to speak now I'm gonna take the Peace of tape off your mouth and your gonna answer me if you lie I get to play with your body if you don't want that then you will answer.he rippes the peace of tape off my mouth and asked me the first question why were you cutting that man up I answered cuz he deserved it that's not a real answer the man took a pair of scissors and cut my bra off and pinched my nipples I pulled against my bounds and he played with my boob's for 10mins then he asked the question again and I told him that the man I killed was involved in my parents murder. He slapped my left boob with a small wip and I winced he laughed. Now tell me who you work for, I don't work for anyone you asswhole that's gonna cost you then he took my nipple in to his mouth ,and began to suck get off of me you pereve at that coment he sucked harder I struggled against my restraints but the blasterd wasn't a idiot he knew what I was so he used silver wire so I was stuck here on this bed.he lifted his head and the look on his face showed that he was enjoying himself. I looked away in disgust , now I'm gonna ask you again who do you work for?I don't fuckin work for anyone. Since you can't tell the truth your gonna have to be punished he grabed a peace of tape and put it over my mouth then cut my underwear off I tried to scoot away but I knew that I was stuck and he would do what ever he wanted to me weather I liked it or not after he got my underwear removed he started fingering me and then he started suckin I let out a muffled scream and struggled he laughed and climbed on to the bed and undid his pants and shoved his. Cock deep into my pussy and started thrusting forewards will I screamed and struggled to get free and he smiled after he came inside me he pulled his cock out and took the tape off my mouth and tyed a round thing to my mouth so so that my mouth stayed opened then he shoved his cock into my mouth all the way and a choked and gagged on his cock for 15min then he pulled out when there was cum in my mouth and he put tape over my mouth so I had to swallow it then he got dressed and said I will be back later you better have the answers I'm looking for or else I will punish you again then he left.i vowed that when I escaped I would kill him.
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