Like Honey
Read Count : 141
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
The words they drip
Like honey from your lips
But your honey isnt sweet
And your words are like knives
I listen but dont see
I hear but dont care
For no matter what
I cant hide from you
You hide in my head
Deep in my brain
When i look in a mirror
Thats when you rear your head
Your ugly voice degrades
You ugly face melds with mine
Your me but your not
Your a part i dont want to admit
I push you away pretend im okay
But time and time again i lose
You push a front and in the mirror
You abuse me with your thoughts
I could ask for help
But when i bring this up you laugh
You tell me they wont care
Your words then turn to honey
You say you care
That you want whats best for us
But thats a lie
You like when i bleed
You laugh and call me weak when i give in
To your taunts and jeers
You call me fat and ugly
Your face in the shape of hate
But i take it all
Because its only when i look in a mirror
But the mirror never gose away
And i continue to break