Killer Photo Part 9 Read Count : 150

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Horror
Chapter Five

  Alex and I were the first to wake up. I'm not sure what time it was, but by the way the sun was coming through our windows, it had to be late afternoon. The Death Star was quiet aside from the soft sounds of everyone breathing. I sat in bed watching Alex dress. She was tall with dark short hair and beautiful full lips, and dressed in men's jeans and T-shirts. She had tattoos that filled both of her arms, she was so damn sexy. There had always been something about her that left me wanting more. Her eyes were sad, she was always quiet, but tough and confident. She wasn't one to openly share her emotions, except to me. I had never really experienced true love before Alex. I always felt that our love was fate. It was just a matter of time. 

  Alex and I both had tough lives. Although for her, being a girl that dressed like a boy, life was even more difficult and brought an entire different set of problems. 

  Alex's dad was an abusive alcoholic. He would often get drunk and beat her mother and yell at Alex and her younger brother. Alex never understood why her mother stayed with him. 

  As Alex got older and started wearing boys clothes her dad began picking on her. He'd get drunk and would start in on her calling her a boy. One time he forced Alex into one of her mother's dresses and held her down while he smeared lipstick all over her face. He kept saying “there's daddy's little girl” and he would laugh. As soon as he passed out Alex showered and took off. She spent a couple of nights sleeping in an old car at a nearby junkyard. Alex couldn't stop thinking about her little brother and her mom. Because of her guilt, Alex went back home. 

   As she walked up to the door she could already hear yelling. Alex opened the door to see her drunk father kicking her mother who was on the floor crying and covering her face. She saw her little brother, who was 6 at the time, peeking out of his bedroom door with a terrified look on his face. 

  Alex yelled at her father to stop, he then turned his drunken rage onto her. He said “oh looky, daddy's little girl came home” he grabbed Alex by the hair and threw her to the ground. She got back up and tried to fight back this time. She had had enough of living in fear. She was 16 and tall for her age, but her father was taller. Before she knew what happened her dad had her back on the ground, this time he was on top of her. He held her two hands down with one of his, and with his other hand took off her pants. He raped her. Her mother, still curled up on the floor crying, covered her ears and closed her eyes. 

   Her father kept saying that it was time she felt a man inside her. He said she needed to start acting like a lady around here. Alex closed her eyes and tried to pretend she was somewhere else. He finally finished. He went and sat on the couch and turned on the game. Alex got up, went to the kitchen, came out with a knife and stabbed him in the side of his neck. Blood was everywhere and she was in shock. She sat down on the  the floor in just a shirt. She never even bothered to put her pants back on. She doesn't remember much after that. 

  It was ruled self defense and she was ordered to go to mandatory counseling. Alex went to therapy for the two months she was ordered. After the course was completed, she was 17 by then, her mother kicked her out. She had blamed Alex for all of this. Alex grabbed what little she had, kissed her baby brother on his head and left. She never looked back.

 There are very few people in Alex's life that know what happened to her. I am one of them. It seemed like it had been a lifetime since that night for Alex, but she still had moments where it felt like yesterday and would lash out, but they didn't last long.    


                     Chapter Six

  It was a beautiful afternoon on the beach. We walked barefoot as the waves crashed and hit our feet. I loved these moments with her. Soon after Sam came running up to us and put herself between Alex and I. She reached up and kissed Alex, then she looked over to me and kissed me as well. I could see Alex's face light up as she watched Sam kiss me like she never had before. I told Alex about what happened with Sam and I the night before. I could tell that she was excited about the idea of watching Sam and I together. The dynamics of our relationships had changed and I liked how we were all evolving together. We had become a family.

  After a relaxing stroll on the beach we decided to head back to camp. Alex was getting hungry and Sam mentioned that Kevin was cooking. As we got closer we could smell the BBQ. He had burgers on the grill and my mouth was watering. Kevin was a great cook. He could make nearly anything. At one point, in his early twenties he left the farm and moved to Miami. He had a friend out there who wanted him to be the head chef in his new little restaurant. Kevin took the opportunity without hesitation. He needed to leave the farm and the bad memories of what happened to his little brother and start fresh. 

  Kevin was enjoying life in Miami. He had a great job and people admired him. After a while his friend approached him and said that things were tight. Apparently he had made a couple bad deals while trying to get the cash to open the restaurant and people were after him. Kevin loved his friend, and he loved the place as if it was his own and would do anything to help. Together they planned to burn the place down to collect the insurance money. Once they collected the cash they would open a new place and it would be 50/50. Kevin couldn't pass up that opportunity. 

  Fires happen in kitchen restaurants, they just had to make this one look real and big enough to burn the place down. One morning Kevin went inside early to prepare a couple new dishes to be tested by his staff later that day. The plan was that Kevin was to have an accident, and he needed it to look real. Kevin had purposely burned himself on his arm while sautéing onions on the stove. He quickly ran away in search of first aide, and in his hurry he left the stove on high while he threw the kitchen towel next to the stove for it to intentionally burn. 

  It all happened faster than he realized. Before he knew it there was smoke and heavy flames everywhere. He ran out of the restaurant just in time. He was in disbelief, how could it have happened that fast? Soon after fire trucks had arrived and put the flames out. Kevin was being treated for his burn while the police took his statement, he was completely shaken up. Kevin had been trying to call his friend when the investigator came over to ask if he was sure no one else had been in the building. Kevin assured him that he had been alone all morning. 

  At this point he knew something was wrong, he overheard them talking saying they found a body. Kevin knew it was his friend. He had been trying to reach him all morning, leaving messages. Why was he there? This was not the plan. Kevin began to panic at the thought he killed his friend. He went into shock and began shaking uncontrollably. The last thing he remembered was the paramedics putting an oxygen mask over his face. 

  Kevin woke up in a hospital bed. He didn't remember how he got there or how long he had been there. A nurse walked in and saw that he was awake and quickly walked out. Moments later detectives arrived to talk to him. This was it. Kevin just knew that they figured it out and he was responsible for the murder of his friend. 

  He was frozen as the detectives explained what happened. It felt like an eternity for him as he sat listening to their findings. According to them, the owner of the restaurant was in financial crisis and owed a lot of people money. He tried to make the whole thing look like Kevin had an accident. They went on to say that Kevin was lucky that he burned himself and left to find the first aid kit, otherwise he would be dead as well. They said they found his friend near a can of accelerator. They surmised that he planned to burn the place down with Kevin inside of it. 

  Kevin left Miami and went back home. For years he wouldn't even go into the kitchen. He had a scar on his arm as a constant reminder of that night. He still questioned his friend’s intentions, but felt lucky to be out alive. When he got home he started dabbling in photography. He needed something to fill his time. A few years after he had been home his mother got sick and passed away, shortly after his father followed. They say he died of a broken heart.

  Kevin was alone, so he filled his days with taking pictures. He would sell his prints in local coffee shops. That is where he met Mac. Soon, his wounds began to heal and he was able to start cooking again, but only did it for fun. He was never interested in making it a career again. 


  • Jun 26, 2020

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