Conversion Errors Uhh! Read Count : 166

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
Unfortunately there seems to be a major glitch in most of the appicatins we often use in the process of transforming MiCrosoft Publisher Documents into Microsoft word documents for uploading features and capabilities at Amazon book stores. After several edits and conversions of pub to word, it is evident that the best way to assure our readers are viewing and reading our Better Perspective Magazine in the frame and format in which it is originally created, published and released at
Our final resolve to help maintain a working relationship with Amazon is to publish and release a magazine in September that is created, framed and formatted specifically for use on Amazon. No more page layout errors that make our hard work and efforts to produce an effective and empowering publication, look like it was created by third grade students. No more conversions, uhh, we will just tackle a few releases in M.W. and keep moving forward. 


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