Ode To David
Read Count : 123
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Relationships
I watched my friend David get married yesterday.
I've known him for almost 35 years.
He's a strapping man, broad shoulders
Thick muscled arms, wide neck
And a laugh that booms and echoes
Across a room like rolling thunder
I met him in prison
Seeing him now, bending over to grab the ring
From a tiny, smiling little human
And placing it on his wife's finger
Then extending his own sausage fingers
For her ring to him.
I watched his bald head turn redder and redder...
The angels gathered in my heart
I felt I would have burst open
With all the pride and joy swirling in me
From where he was
To where he is
I lift my glass and my heart to you
My Brother
My Friend