My New Power Chapter 18 Read Count : 159

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter next chapter Ill try to put all of the new runes on the cover photo for u to see them if i cant ill put them individually in each chapter, any ways hope u enjoy.

After I woke up I got dressed and brushed my teeth as fast as I could to get to the training room to meet up with Bryon to see some of the different runes
Once i got to the training room I saw Bryon in the room, but he was not alone,
It, it was my mom! he was talking to my mom!, instead of walking in straight away I decided to eavesdrop on there conversation through the door.
I just think he would be safer here with all of you. "Said my mom a looking little dissapointed"
Of course but your his mom and he needs a parent figure in his life especially in his teen years "said Bryon" 
I know but I can visit, and he can visit me too, I just think he would be safer surrounded by people who can nearly do the impossible than with a 34 year old mom that cant get through a week of ZUMBA.
If you think that would be best im sure i can arrange somethi~ Bryon suddenly cut off after looking through one of the windows and seeing me peeking and listening.
Jack! How much did you hear "said my mom suprised to see me,"
Enough, "I said" mom am i going to stay here,
Jack, its, its just I dont wanna lose u to,
"Said my mom with a look in her eye looking like she was going to cry"
I couldnt defend you like your father did and I couldnt stand to lose u like I lost him all those years ago.
Mom, its, its ok I can visit you on holidays or in the summer if u want but if it keeps u happy ill stay here,
Thank you Jack, u know u remind me a lot like your father Tall, brave and heroic. Thanks mom.
"With that my mom left we hugged and said our good byes, i almost cryed myself"
I say down on a stool towards the wall processing my thoughts when Bryon came up behind me and patted my shoulder"
Its alright Jack she'll be fine, and so will u dont worry, hey how about I show u some of these abilities that some of the rune masters have.
Sure Bryon why not.

My New Power Chapter 19 Coming Soon
Hope you all enjoyed and I hope u all Rate, Comment and Share this Book and tune in next time to see an epic part of the plot hope u all enjoyed and hope to see you next time. Byyyyeee!


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