Thank U Poem
Read Count : 76
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Thank u teacher for the music we love u teach us how to play and sing like a dove
I'm normally a dark writer for some reasons
But this time I'm starting to write happy things for the season
U are a good teacher u rely are if I didn't have a ride I'm sure u would drive me by car
To anything i need if u knew where I lived
This to me rely isn't a sin
The rude people can be sinners I'm sure about that
They walk around thinking they look cool cause they're wearing a hat
I don't think people are cool cause they're wearing a hat
I think they're cool by personality and that's that
And I rly think ur cool
Just u have to be stern because of the rude ppl at school
So I wrote this poem for u so u would understand
- Some ppl just stop caring but I am