The New Beginning
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The NEW BEGINNING A new beginning is the act of putting an end to an undesirable event and introducing constructive changes that should lead to better results in whatever area of life you may have failed. A new beginning is moving from a sad past into a bright future, from the floor to the top, from the tail end to the forefront. Those that desire or should desire a new beginning are those that have failed at one point or the other. Those that have thought of committing suicide at one point of event or another; a building would not be renovated if it wasn’t in a deplorable state. So get motivated and bounce back to work for it is not yet over until it is over. What are the steps to take to get a new beginning? FOUNDATIONS FOR A NEW BEGINNING To have a new beginning you must create it. Even the bible recorded that “in the beginning God created…” so also you have to create your new beginning. STOP WAITING gen 1:2-3, 31: you don’t wait for a change you create the change that you desire. When you want to travel to Lagos city, you will first of all get prepared and get to the motor park that will take you to your destination. You won’t continue to lay on the bed wishing to travel to Lagos. Stop waiting for the change to come go and get it! Waiting without doing something is wasting without knowing. The sun rises every 24 hours to give hope that you are face to face with new opportunities. Why do we have New Year every 12 months? It is to close the chapter of the previous year and open a new one. In other words, every day is an avenue for a brand new opportunity. Until you create a new beginning for yourself, your life remains in chaos and confusion. DETERMINE YOUR BEGINNING: The worst thing that can happen to a man is comparing yourself with another. Never mistake an existence for a new beginning; so many have lived for four decades but yet to begin living. The greatest problem facing so many people today is that they don’t know where or how to begin again thereby comparing themselves with another who has made it. Determine what your want and begin from there no matter how small. ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY: So many youths now refuse to accept responsibilities. Even when they know that for sure they din’t study for an exams, when the result is out and they fail, instead of accepting responsibility of their failure, learn from it and move on with courage, they’ll begin to complain, grumble and blame whosoever they dim fit to. To know that one is completely mature, check the level of responsibilities that they are handling and with integrity. Accept responsibility for your success or failure in life. It is easy to dodge our responsibility but we can’t dodge the consequences of our responsibility. You are your greatest enemy and friend because the best the whole world can contribute to your making or unmaking is 25%. The remaining 75% is made up of your personal imputes. Stop blaming people or situations for where you are and start making adventures towards your destiny. The essence of accepting responsibility is choice making; the choice to fail or succeed. NEVER FORGET GOD gen 1v1;26 , jhn 15v5, phil 4v13, ps 127v1: God is not “a” factor for your success, God is “the” factor for your success. He is the pillar behind every of your successes. He is your link; he determines your functions because he has given you his manual therefore, use his manual. The ability to create a new beginning starts with vision, having a mental picture of the future that you desire despite the temporary setbacks. Failure is a stepping stone to your success. Until you discover the truth behind this, you’ll always remain depressed. The above has given us the foundations of a new beginning. Now let’s continue having hope and faith for a new beginning. HOPE AND FAITH FOR NEW BEGINNING Your hope can be stirred up through; LOOK AHEAD: if you can be able to forget the circumstances surrounding you now and focus 100% for the rewards ahead, you will go beyond what you can imagine. Let the past pass: you can’t look in two directions at the same time. You either look forward or backwards. The direction you look determines the direction of your motion. To remain hopeful regard the past as past and refuse to look backwards. In a 100 meters race, you can never look backwards, if you do two things are involved; you either leave your track or may have an accident. Either ways, you have lost the race. So always stay focused to the tape at the end of the 100 meters race perhaps you will be the first. You need creativity to breakthrough into higher realms in life. Refuse sympathy: you complain and do not get an answer or a solution because you have complained to the wrong people. So why complaining to the wrong persons and making yourself a subject of sympathy? If you want to rise from a fall, don’t let anybody sympathize with you, don’t even talk like a man who needs sympathy or pity and don’t pity yourself. This paralyses your thinking because your sympathizers do all the thinking and suggestions for you because you are seen as an object concern and as a second rate instead of an original personality. Stop looking for who will pity you start looking for who will inspire you. Despise scorners: refuse to be intimidated. Be proud of the little you are doing. Being confident of the fact that though your beginning is small, your later end shall greatly increase. Those that laugh you are actually telling you well-done, you’re doing a great job. Their laughter should be your motivation. When you allow their laughter to demoralize you, then you are not ready for a new beginning. The Wright brothers that invented the control balance of the air plane started small, great empires today started very small. So don’t be intimidated by your scorners. The new beginning you need is on the inside. Encourage yourself to creating a new enthusiastic beginning. Be conscious of the presence of God anywhere you are. This gives you the faith that you need to believe both in God and in yourself. When you’ve got an idea that the presence of God is anywhere you are, then you need to have a sense of appreciation. What you don’t appreciate ends up depreciating. No matter how little you began, appreciate it. When people begin to think that they are not making progress, their hope is naturally destroyed. Those who compare themselves with others are simply exhibiting their foolishness. You are unique. Not only that, you are fearfully and wonderfully made! Therefore rise from the shackles of depression and appreciate your progress. That you’ve got a smart phone or a phone at all is a progress, that you are in the university now is a progress, that you’ve graduated is a progress, to crown it all that you completed your secondary school successfully is a progress because so many people couldn’t complete that. So appreciate yourself and path yourself at the back and say well-done. BELIEVE IN GOD AND IN YOURSELF! From the scriptures we could see that the earth was formless and void. Until “God said…” nothing was created. So the first thing one need in creating their new beginning is the seed which is the world of God. We are in the business of reconstructing lives and destinies and we can’t do this without the word of God. For one to rightfully apply the word of God, they must first get the word. You can’t give what you don’t have. So get deep with the word of God, digest it and let it flow freely. Secondly, make the word real; stop meditating on your circumstance because whatever you meditate upon becomes enlarged in your mind till it overwhelms you. As you meditate on the word of God, your mind becomes charged and enlarged for innovations, creative ideas and innovations, which is what it takes to create a new beginning. Thirdly, speak the word of God; this is the most important aspect in creating a new beginning. It enables you to believe in yourself and totally in God because the word is now real. Framing or creating a new beginning for yourself demands bold declarations of the word of God, which you have contacted and made real to yourself through meditation. You don’t study the bible just for information, but for application and you apply it by speaking. Until there is first a mental reaction there cannot be one in the physical since your mouth and mind must be in agreement for anything you are saying to have effect. STRATEGIES FOR A NEW BEGINNING There is a quote that says “your eyes are useless when your mind is blind” the first step or strategy to creating a new beginning is to have a vision. Vision gives you purpose and direction in life. When you have vision you will simply regard failure as part of the source of vision. The worth of a vision is in sharing it. So share your visions but first commit it in writing. Sharing your vision helps you to proclaim what you believe. You don’t need to detail how you’re going to achieve them to anybody. As you begin to read and review your vision, you soon begin to run with it and from running with it, you begin to fly. People’s mockery is your making. Secondly, be committed to your vision and goals. Remember that statement; ‘without commitment you’ll never start but more importantly, with consistency, you’ll never finish?’ Nobody begins until he is committed to his advancements and progress. Face challenges: this is where the problem is. Many people fail or are afraid to face challenges in life. Challenges provoke creativity. A problem is not as terrible as you think if you call it a problem and face it as a challenge. But if you face it as a problem, it will overcome you. Leave your comfort zone, go out and face challenges. Somehow, comfort makes people feel satisfied and complacent. So take a challenge, there is no harm in trying. Wisdom is the principal thing therefore, get wisdom. The three ways you can get wisdom are; you can get it through looking upwards (to God) because he is the chief inspiration that can inspire you. You can also get it through looking inward (self examination) because there are talents that are still dormant within you. Also you can look outward in other to encounter wisdom. To walk in wisdom, you must be willing to be observant which is the ability to discern what you see and hear so as to weigh the issues of life appropriately. THE POWER OF PERSISTENCE Again, without commitment you will never start but more importantly, without consistency and persistence you will never finish. Those who become successful are those who start from scratch and keep scratching till they get to the top. If you fail once, go again. Keep at it until success is achieved for repetition is the mother of inventions. Inconsistency hinders but consistency is what you require to make impact. Talent minus persistence will still end in failure. Through perseverance, even the snail arrived the ark. So keep at it until success is recorded. CONCLUSION Everyman encounters failure at one time or the other, if not now then it will be later. Wait for it for it must surely come. But amidst all these, the failure settles with only the nonresistance. We wedge a war against failure, and winning is not for the gentle! You have to become a man of vengeance in dealing with failure. Before your next birthday ask yourself, what achievements can I point to in my life? Because life is celebrated on the basis of achievements not longevity. Reaction gives birth to REVOLUTION. People are not your problems so don’t react against God or people but against issues against circumstances that have kept you on the floor. Wait let me ask you, for how long will you continue to suffer like this? How long will you remain on the floor? To change your failure to success, find out what others are doing to succeed, ask questions, make observations and read books. Go for relevant knowledge. Knowledge is like a time bomb. As you acquire it you are building up for a time explosion and NOTHING CAN STOP IT! SEE YOU AT WORK! TITLE: CREATING A NEW BEGINNING. AUTHOUR: BISHOP DAVID ABIOYE SUMMARIZED BY STANLEY MATA
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