My King
Read Count : 84
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Tall chubby heavyweight
You alone in the brinks of darkness and cold reality
Wondering what and how i am coping?
Well thus far I am missing you more my romeo
I am counting the stars and speaking with the Lord himself.
I say thee lord he hath done terible deed lord he still your children...
Grown or not
He in the place of broken treatment.
All he feels unspeakable wrath and injustice.
He only young when he done the act.
He quickly repent for his past.
At least ye can comfort his woes at least ye place faith in his footsteps..
Every one in the time of riots and sickness needs it Now!!!
While we stampede to disinfect our souls, the society least let us see our loved ones soon.
Anyone knows the last few times to see their wives husband sight .
I rather take on the menory of all who cares and love me into heaven and capture moment with my king as well.
He not supreme being but he's A gentleman at the heart...
His lons punctured with close tilt sealed enotions.
All i ask for the lord to comfort and love him too .
I can not see him.
I feel his loneliness and mines..
All I just pray for Diligent comfort.
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