Pardon Me Aaron Burr Sir?
Read Count : 161
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Historical Fiction
Alexander went running through the city to catch his dog. His dog named Spike ran towards the bridge. Alexander pushed three guys and yelled "Sorry I'm trying to catch Spike! Spike come here boy!" Spike ran down the street. Spike barked and jumped on to a bench. Alexander tried to pick him up but he jumped off the bench and ran into George Washington's office. Alexander yelled "Ugh! Spike come on!" Alexander ran after him again. Spike jumped on to Washington's desk knocking down everything. Washington said "Hamilton! Is this your dog?" Alexander said nervously "Yes sir.." Washington tried to pick up the dog but he jumped off the desk and ran out the office. Washington sighed "Wow your dog is very... Bad." Alexander apologized "I'm so sorry! I better go catch him." Washington said "Good luck." Alexander ran out of the office and saw Spike running all over the place. Shit! Spike tripped Thomas Jefferson! Thomas fell onto his back. He yelled "Hamilton! Get your dumb dog!" Alexander sighed "I'm so sorry and he's not dumb! He's only 2 months old!" James helped Thomas up. James said "I'm sorry about Jefferson. I'm James Madison." Alexander got distracted by Spike. Alexander said "Nice to meet you! I better go catch Spike." He ran out of the building. Spike bite Aaron's shoe. Aaron yelled "Ah! Get it off!" Aaron started shaking his shoe. Alexander picked Spike up and said "Bad pup! Thats not how you treat this young man!" Aaron looked at Alexander and asked "Is that your dog?" Alexander answered "Yes. Im so sorr- Pardon me are you Aaron Burr sir?!" Aaron said "Hm. That depends, who's asking?" Alexander said "I'm Alexander Hamilton. I'm at your service sir I had been looking for you!" Aaron giggled "I'm getting nervous."
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