The Hunt
Read Count : 169
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Before I was turned I always believed to never take anything for granted because I knew that I wasn't guaranteed tomorrow. So I made the best of what I had and I did what I had to do in order to survive. But all that changed I became a vampire and everyone I once knew died.that all happened a century ago. Now I'm running my own blood drive truck,I travel all over the world looking for those who killed my family and friends to get revenge. maybe after I get my revenge I can finally move on and find peace. I arrived in New York yesterday I tracked down one of the five guys who were responsible, they call him tank he was last seen by the food court in town square that was an hour ago. So I went to investigate I asked the guy at the food court if he knew where tank went ,he told me that he wouldn't tell me anything so I grabes the food cart and threw it across the town square and grabbed the man by the throat. now you tell me or else I will kill you and find him myself it's your choice....10mins later I had my answers and had lunch ...what? I couldn't resist you have to admit I can't leave a witness behind....i headed to his hotel room whitch was on the second floor second room on the right I kicked down his door and smiled he was passed out on the sofa.oh poor tanky gonna die ..wake up he sat up looked at me started begging for his life, shut up you no good peace of shit your gonna die but don't worry it's gonna be a slow painful death. I grabbed him and nailed his arms and legs to the floor and cut his stomach open and riped his liver out and shoved it down his throat then left bye bye tank.