KINDNESS Read Count : 177

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Childrens

The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? Soon she found out that it was her imagination as no one was present there at darkness. She was waiting for someone may be unknown guest. She waited there for a long time and was thinking that would her guest arrive as it was too late. The Night was at its peak. The night is the time for calm reflection, also. During the day, the noise and hustle is so great that concentration is impossible, but the night is so calm that one is irresistibly drawn towards meditation and contemplation. Of course, the night gives cover to the thief and the evil doer, also, but it affords calm peace to the thinker who matures his pans, and to the Yogi who holds communion with his Maker. Night vigils are recommended in every religion, and the reason is obvious. At night, man can better engage himself in spiritual exercises, because nothing can distract his attention at that time.

But it looked like her guest won't arrive tonight, this made her sad. After all her guest was her only friend who showed kindness to her, protected her, made her smile and thus owed her respect. She was also kind to our guest. Kindness simply means being good to people around us. It can be done by being polite to them, offering them emotional support, helping them financially, boosting their morale or by simply being supportive to them. Kind words and kind deeds done by us are not only a boon for the recipient but are also a blessing to us. When we help others with their tasks, are polite to them and do other such acts of kindness it gives us a sense of accomplishment and joy. 

If God has been kind enough to give us the things we need we must be kind to others and render help in whatever way we can. As Lord Buddha said, “A generous heart, kind speech and a life of service and compassion are the things that renew humanity”.

She looked out once again and what she saw made her smile, her guest arrived moving its tail with its open mouth and tongue out as if Moti was exhausted by running. She jumped of her bed near window and shouted "Moti has arrived".  

6 years old Neelu was not looking happy tonight as her street dog "Moti" was away for daily round of area Moti occupied. Moti was a leader of every street dogs around Manas Nagar colony. Neelu used to keep food for Moti. She ordered her mother that she is not going to eat anything unless her mother makes food for her friend Moti too. Her mother followed little princess instructions. 

Moti even ate leftover food stored in refrigerator which mostly people threw away in dustbin. But never complained about this like human beings do. Moti was thankful to Neelu and her family as they showed love and respect to a street dog that was raised by hatred of people. 

Many street dogs around the world does not get proper foods and supplies, not everyone has a friend like Neelu to show love, respect and kindness to animals. 

                                    The End... 




  • Gabby Garvien

    Gabby Garvien

    you are so bad

    Jul 25, 2020

  • Jul 25, 2020

  • really nice unpredictable ending, good work

    Jul 25, 2020

  • well written

    Dec 10, 2020

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