I am air mailing you a hug and a kiss,
Even though it may not be your wish.
I have forgiven you for calling me a squirrel,
And thankfully no more do I hurl!
You are a beautiful person
Who sometimes needs a little nursing -
And I sure don’t mean that suckling kind,
And I don’t mean a mule to kick your behind!
Although…Hmm, that really could be kind of funny -
I can’t deliver the mule, I don’t have enough money!
No, my Sister, I mean nursing of your soul
So again you truly, truly will feel whole.
I know I’m only a little Chipmunk,
But at least I’m not a big skunk.
And Cherie says you are to always carry her Love -
She says her love will travel your way on the wings of a mourning Dove.
Now don’t you forget the Precious gift that’s delivered from Mom too -
That when she gives out her love it is unconditional and meant for You.
And please try to remember that God is watching you from the tallest mountain.
His Prayers and Love beam down upon you like a beautiful water fountain.
And remember, my dear Sister, He will never give us too much to bear.
Even though we feel He has many a time, we are His Children and He really does Care;
Because if you think of the many things that have happened along the way,
Most likely we would not have survived to live on for another day.