Little Rickie Lee Read Count : 87

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

I was delivered on a cool August day,
It  was windy, drizzly, and kind of gray.
I came into this world with such a hard start,
I kicked, squirmed, and fought with a mighty little heart.
My bunny Mom had passed away,
she lost all her strength to go on that day.
I had two siblings that weren't strong like me,
They joined our bunny Mom  and became free.
My bunny Mom and my siblinglings looked so serene,
I saw them as my new Mom was wiping me clean.
My Moms people were right there, 
To take the most gentle of care.
I learned this person is my new Mom,
Then I met Grammy, she's such a dear one.
My new Mom  said I am a bright little star, 
And as a small bunny I would go far.
My Mom held my tiny little body and head,
With a small eye dropper I was fed.
I only have one major wish, 
Please don't feed me any fish!
My Grammy's job was to help me go pee,
she said with a laugh, "Why did you pee on me?"
As the days went on things got easy,
I forgot all about feeling so queasy.
I met this wonderful lady named Martha,
Just so you're not mistaken, her name is not Arthur.
It is plain to see there is so much love,
We seem to fit together like a cozy glove.
I can't wait until my eyes open so I can see my moms smile,
I think it's a nice smile, but I'll just have to wait awhile.
As time goes by I continue to get strong,
it becomes so clear, this is where I belong! 
My mom and Grammy said this is my forever home.
No one will take me, we will always be together.
              © Cherie L Comstock


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